(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

…yet… as in not currently released…not as in not coming for another two weeks

That depends, Arcane Traitstone wise, Spooky is the better deal.
Minor-wise though, yes, this could be considered the smarter choice.
But if we’re talking minor traitstones, there’s a nearly 2/6 chance every week of it ending up purple.

Ussually i will ask for something in the game such as troops i want in the game or certain traitstone, and within a week or two, the thing i wanted gets added to the game. However this is not an absolute, as one troop i wanted we did not get for several months after i asked and that was werewolf and its transformation, as well as a troop that creates machines. I am still waiting on my last two requests, a dragon hero, and a goblin hero.

What I’m getting right now, is that we have a Zaejin event next week, which is adding a common purple goblin, and a troop which transforms enemies into copies of itself. Then Pridelands which I know nothing about other than an elephant man will be added, then the event after that is Pirate Kingdom, so 2-3 more weeks seems to be the release Did I miss anything, I can’t actually mine but I can learn a lot from just image files.

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Um your summary is not working for me.

Took me a second to figure out spoilers, I fixed it

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Thank you.

Nope. The first troops that you described are the same one.
And the kingdom always go out one or two weeks before their first weekly event.
So if it’s not next week (Nimhain said so), it will be next next week. Else, they have to change the order of the release which never happens before.

At least, next week we will have the new Mythic troop ;-).

So the Giant Toadstool is Common and the Goblin is Epic? I’m trying to figure out what you mean by

That is correct. Single-color troops are Common (aside from Imps, which are Legendary).

Yes and the one that transforms is the less epic one.

Which, might I say, looks supremely awesome. I can feel the sins being beaten out of me by just lookin’ at 'em!

Has there been word on what the new mythic is?
I haven’t seen anything about him or her. Care to share info? :stuck_out_tongue:

Discovered a lone image hidden away in the GoW troops folder. Well, not really hidden, but alone nonetheless!

Considering it was the only new image without an accompanying friend, and the fact they’re placed under a kingdom we’d only recently had an event for, it’s fairly safe to assume this guy’s gonna be the new Mythic:

No further details from me on the subject. Mum’s the word!


Wouldn’t want his wrath on you now, would you?.. :wink::stuck_out_tongue:


Yesssss. He reminds me Escaflowne Mecha which were super cool.
It will difficult to not use him just because of his good looking face :stuck_out_tongue: (also his skill/traits are pretty nice).

What is this? Wrath of the Paladin King? He does look suspiciously like Arthus…

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When you wish you were skilled enough to look through the script files and not just the images.

I have to ask though where do you find the files with all this information? I can go through images, sound files, and a few text files, but I can’t find any sort of functionality document. Is there a folder that this is all in or is it hidden/somewhere else on the drive?

Is anyone going to state the new mythics info?

You can look for .xml files ;-).