(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

You’d still have to pay the soul cost to medal troops and probably a soul cost to dismantle a troop? It’ll be super pricey

if it was a thing

Are tokens more realistic though? Would I want to break down 9 legendaries/9 mythics for 1 medal? Does it do anyone any good at that point?

and yeah… they probably would. I always thought dismantling for the souls they offered was pointless.

I have 7 Wulfgarok. I would trade 6 of them with no problems. Same for other mythics that I have at 4/5 copies


I’d make that trade, especially if I could pick the bones for a little extra pet food. Unless you think there may someday be a rarity higher than Mythic…

Why should I keep 3 copies of Vash around if the troop is still glitched after all this time? Better of chucking him into the smelting pit, along with Mab.

I remember last time, watching safely in my console world a few patches behind.

Mass disenchant was first introduced. Next patch, needing many copies of troops to ascend was introduced.


Eh. I’ve been ready.


I’m now ashamed of ritualistically converting all mythic cards over 4 to souls for no good reason. :frowning:

Don’t be. Habits are hard to break, and you’re not alone — I stiil disenchant, too, even though I told myself I wouldn’t in the new year :sweat_smile:

Seem(s)(ed) more expedient than soul-farming — if I regret it later when a new “mythic rarity patch” drops (even though devs promised they wouldn’t do something like that again), joke’s on me!

Off-topic: this is my favorite thread in the entire forum. Thanks to all who contribute, datamine, and tinfoil-hat — y’all are a great part of my day :heart:


After all these ss and comments , they could easily change the ideas again :confused:

well, what I said wasn’t confirmed as a real thing

250 [SOULFORGE_FORGE_CONFIRMATION_SPECIFIC_TROOP] This recipie will consume a troop!

could be a whole lot of things at this point

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And that’s EXACTLY why player’s aren’t going to be allowed to disenchant existing troops for whatever this is. This isn’t going to be another Dawnbringer debacle.

From the variable name, this sounds like the devs may be selecting specific future troops (likely event or post 5.0 legendaries or mythics) to create something new. Whatever this is, it will never, ever, be allowed for players to use existing troop inventories, as the devs are going to hand-pick what has to be sacrificed for these recipes.

This game has way too many resources that take way too many different ways to obtain. Allowing this reasoning to exist is just harmful to the game.

Was Dawnbringer a big debacle? I haven’t heard anyone refer to it in years. So much so that I hardly remember the details.

Is Dawnbringer even all that hard to create on the dev side?

It would be as easy as diverting one of the art assets of one of the generic weapon arts they’ve commissioned, programming some kind of stats on it, and releasing it as a soulforge purchase. No more different than the devs releasing a weapon in the World Events.

There’s no clause that says a new player needs to have it on day 1 to be even with older players. It’ll give a new player something to do and reward older players for staying with the game.

That’s all that the glory shop troops are in a smaller scale.

The game is at a point where its just a bit too hard to explain all of the current currencies to a newer player. I tried to explain this game to a player that stopped playing 2 years ago and they were super overwhelmed by everything the game has.

Should the devs continue to dogpile the new currencies? I really dont, but maybe someone likes needing a dictionary to play the game.


The issue wasn’t that Dawnbringer has hard to create on the dev side. It’s likely no more difficult to create than any other weapon in the game. At the time, that Dawnbringer was intended to be the first really long-term endgame grind in the game. The grind was the 1.3 million souls need to craft the weapon and its parts, which at the time was meant to be a monumental task. However, there was a critical flaw in the design plan of the weapon. The souls grind was trivialized because long-term players could cash in hordes of excess troops rotting in their inventory via disenchantment. Top players had the weapon within a week or less. Needless to say, the devs were not pleased at all with this outcome.

Since that event, every long-term goal introduced into the game has required a new resource to ensure that a situation similar to what happened to Dawnbringer would happen ever in the game again.

Perhaps. A tutorial could be in order for that.

Although, compared to other modern gacha games, GoW still has far fewer currencies and at least all of GoW’s currencies are permanent currencies. At least as of 4.9.5, GoW is still very much a gacha-lite game.

New currencies give the devs control over the timing and distribution of quantities of thaose currencies. See: Diamonds, Chaos Shards, Deeds, etc. If the devs want a goal to take a very long time to achieve, strict control of pricing and distribution of currencies achieves this goal.

If GoW ever went “full gacha” and embraced all modern gacha mechanics, the current state of the game and all of its permanent multiple currencies would be a godsend in comparison.


I love Final Fantasy Tactics. Recently they came out with a free to play mobile based Final Fantasy with Turn Based Tactics.
I downloaded it, played the first tutorial battle, saw that they had like 50 different currencies to keep track of. Immediately uninstalled.
It’s a brand new game with a super deep system to figure out.
Where as we received the brand new systems in stages.
That being said, from the very start, Gems means two different things in a game called Gems of War. So from the start they weren’t too concerned about confusing players.
Still, in late 2016…all we had were gems, gold, glory, souls, maps and traitstones to worry about. The list has definitely doubled if not tripled if you include the sub resources of things like Jewels and deeds.

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Im out of the loop, can you give me an example and all of their currencies?

Currently, it takes me 16 seconds of my life to scroll through my resources…

Sure. I’ll volunteer some screenshots from the other major gacha game I still play outside of GoW. I thought about just posting some explanations, but I think the screenshots will help paint a bolder picture than words alone.

When I say that GoW’s currencies are permanent, I mean that everything on the hero(ine)'s inventory page is usable, no matter when those resources are obtained. Those minor traitstones won back when a player was level 20 are still usable three years later when that player is level 1200.

Although there is generally a gold and premium currency counter in most gachas, most currencies are temporary by intentional design. They are offered to the player in exchange for some action, and become worthless after a set period of time.

In this first screenshot, note how all of the description of these materials tie them to a specific event. In this game, these materials drop from battles that have a 2-week event duration. Seven days after the event ends, these materials become useless outside of being vendored, as the functionality tied to these materials is removed from the game.

In the second screenshot, sometimes a currency dropped from an event can be used for specific units or equipment, only during an specific event window, In the screenshot, the unit would be equivalent to the Glory troop of the week, the trust moogles equivalent to traiting that unit, and the tickets equivalent to various key types in GoW.

Another way temporary currencies exist is through mechanics designed to encourage players to mass pull for new troops.

In this third screenshot, this is what is known as a “step-up” pulling mechanic.

To put this into GoW terms,

Imaging that on new Mythic weekends, the Mythic wasn’t guaranteed. Rather, the Mythic has some arbitrary boosted chance of being pulled, let’s say 25% if a mythic is rolled. A step-up encourages players to pull by giving either prizes and/or progressively better rates at pulling the Mythic in exchange for mass spending. An important note is that boost to pull rates for progressing on the step-up are NOT permanent. Rather, the boosted rates often only exist for a single multipull (note the language in the upper right corner of the graphic).

Also, as shown are a type of currency which are rewarded for pulling on that step-up. These coins can be used to purchases other things, but like other temporary currencies become worthless once the event that step-up is tied to ends.

Essentially, you’re trading one currency in to buy a temporary currency, and sometimes trading that temporary currency in for another temporary currency for a player to get what they want from the game.

There are tons of these currency exchanges tied to pulling on step-ups, as they are very major tie-in to the game’s primary revenue generating model, as shown in the fourth screenshot. (Note the small print expiration dates at the bottom of each exchange.)

Very long story, short, is that most modern gacha games primarily focus on tons of various temporary currencies designed to foster FOMO or a “Use it or lose it” mentality towards almost every game function. Outside the game’s broadbased premium currency, players are almost never allowed to stockpile anything for future use. Every week, whenever the next event starts, every relevant currency counter outside of these two always starts at zero. Then, rarely, the developers can offer items that grant second chances at missed things at exorbitant prices.

Needless to say, these are very predatory gaming models.

WHen AWRyan posted about the new FF Tactics gacha game, I know exactly what he is talking about. And yes, the gacha system in that game is well known to be even more predatory than the game I just screenshotted.


Thanks, I hate it.

(Not your write-up, seriously thank you for explaining these games. Super interesting, even if it was a bit nauseating)


I get that lot of them have a lot of temporary currencies, but is the overall total amount actually more than what we have though?

I’m hoping this would allow people to exchange duplicate Mythics for ones they don’t have (for a price…). That would be a player-friendly boost to obtaining old Mythics, without upsetting the gem/key economies.

New theory.
New game mode introduces troops like dooms. Only obtainable from that event. They will have a new Zuul’Goth/Xathenos troop in the forge. But instead of using Power Orbs or diamonds (because it’s meta to make old resources more useless.) These new event troops will be used to craft the new mythic troop.
Think of it as like using 6 Mythic dooms to craft the ultimate doom.

There’s a “Kuranda” and “Enraged Kuranda” in the troop spoilers, maybe that’s the upgrade path?

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