(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

I know what it needs to look like I hope I’m not going to disappointed. Spelling needs to be changed.


yeah, forgot to clarify I wasn’t advocating for no limit. Just something higher than 10 would have been nice.

Snow Panther can make up to 18 Blue gems for 10 mana lol.

I can’t imagine paying the cost of the design and the implementation of the pet just to have it be available for 24 hours a life time. I sincerely hope the devs have a better plan than that.


In theory, they could make up to 30 of them I believe.


So much this. I’ve stopped expecting that kind of sensible stuff though.

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A kingdom of thieves? The Gray King? Sounds like someone just finished reading The Lies of Locke Lamora!

Keep reading; the other books are great but super heart-punch-y.

I hope the Gray King lives up to his namesake. I just have to keep you here…until Jean…arrives!

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Totally agree with you. Thanks for mentioning that story! I think the theme of this Faction will be a mix of both this and Snow White story, with a focus on that Magic Mirror. The lore could be similar to that Hidden Object game I really enjoy, “Dark Parables 3 : Rise of the Snow Queen” by Blue Tea Games.

We even already got Mirror Mimic as the pet. Also fact that it’s the Faction of Glacial Peaks’ Faction, the cold fey kingdom, couldn’t be more perfect! :grinning:

On that other topic, about the unknown Faction that likely come first, we now got the name of each 4 troops’ spell.

  • Rare - Red Cap - Bloodletting
  • Ultra Rare - Puka - Fey Prank
  • Epic - Wild Knight - Wild Spirit
  • Legendary - Wendigo - Hunting Grounds

I’m now less sure about it being “Werewood”. It might not even be linked to Maugrim Woods as well, as the new Pet spoilers might be pointing in other direction…

  • Teddy Knight - Kingdom team bonus - belong to Urskaya
  • Evil Snowman - Kingdom team bonus - belong to Stormheim

So… Snow-based Wendigo like in Until Dawn? Still confused about Fey involvement. Stormheim would be the best bet right now. Would be the biggest plot twist if it turnd out to be Ice Jelly, from Grosh-Nak of all the place though…

As I remember, this second faction will be bound to Divinion Fields. We just don’t know its name. Wild Court?..

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What’s wrong with Steal and Decrease? Eliminate is what… Decrease with an angry face on?

I can’t tell if this is good or not. It seems like a needless complicated version of Infernus, but it also has explode Blue gems which can be handy. It can also cast on the same target randomly, which isn’t terrible… Submerge all isn’t bad either. I think the damage is lower than Infernus too?

I mean, you’d have to get a copy because of Submerge all, but is it usable? maybe? Since its elemental (The Maraji Queen) and Mystic… (Medea/Hero?). I don’t know.

and the rest…

Corrupt Magus:
Spell Description: Curse an Enemy and eliminate [Magic + 1] from 2 random Skills.

Eliminate :crazy_face:

King Gobtruffle: Mix count is low, but it also gives the turn back. Great! Its the buff that Aminanthrax needed…


Wait, what? What in seven hells is eliminate? SIRRIAN WHAT IS THAT

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Probably reduce :thinking:

Yay! More variations on wordings for the same effect. Thus making it even harder to search for the troops/effects you want.
See also “Trait #3: Tsunami: Submerge all Allies when matching 4 or more Gems.” as opposed to 4 or 5. Or are they going to change all those troop wordings? It would be more accurate.

So eventually we’ll be getting a Mythic troop that does something to all enemies or all allies on 4 or 5 gem matches, correct?
So far we have Burn, Poison, Stun for enemies. (Not looking forward to Hunter’s Mark, or Death Mark though)
And coming up for allies Submerge.
P.S please forgive me if i missed a Trait/Troop, it’s very early here. :slight_smile:

Death already Death Marks all enemies. Undine will submerge all blue allies.

I meant on Troop Traits, (Burn all enemies on 4 or 5 gem matches)

Gotcha, yes a near constant death mark all through gem matches would be pretty rough.
Deathknight death marks all, but only when the hero dies.

but wouldn’t the death mark reset every time you match 4 or more? isn’t that how death much works? I’m not sure. it would definitely suck. But maybe not as much as it seems.

What a horrible trade off. You can keep your troops from ever dying to death mark, but you must feed the AI a 4+ match every turn. :scream:


Which kingdom will be associated with the City of Thieves faction?

Leonis Empire

From the spoilers section on the Discord that (I think) Taran is responsible for (all thanks to whomever deserves the credit!):

All spoiler (unofficial) information is subject to change.

This is a great spoiler sent to me by Chris (Faith/Squishy). Thanks you!!!

The game files now list the sister kingdom of factions. So here’s the full list!

Amanithrax: Zaejin
City of Thieves: Leonis Empire
[DarkCourt]: Ghulvania
[DepthsOfSin]: Sin of Maraj
[DrippingCaverns]: Grosh-Nak
[Duergaroth]: Karakoth
[Eldrazhor]: Zhul’Kari
[Emperinazar]: Khaziel
[FellRoost]: Blighted Lands
[FireRift]: Broken Spire
[HellGate]: Maugrim Woods
[IceRift]: Stormheim
[Illithia]: Dhrak-Zum
[IndrajitsDen]: Pridelands
[LyraszasLair]: Shentang
[MirroredHalls]: Glacial Peaks
[TheBlackHeart]: Blackhawk
[TheDeepHive]: Drifting Sands
[TheLabyrinth]: Wild Plains
[TinkerTown]: Adana
[Werewoods]: Urskaya
[WildCourt]: Divinion Fields
[Wyrmrun]: Dragon’s Claw

Names in brackets do not have localised names yet.