(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

looking through the txt file… looks like a “winter/north pole” area for a new area. im hoping the ??? will be fey!

Glacier Peak, the next kingdom, is likely to be fey. The troop on the preview Sirrian showed had a few looking creature on it and even the banner looks fey.

Having trouble associating Frost with Fey. Always think of the forest.

frosty the fey golem?

Think Dresden Files and Mab


It looks like a Faerie, and Ice Witch got Fey. Ice also tends to be magic. Fey gives +1 magic at 3x and +2 magic at 4x.

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Exactly it’s the kingdom of Arctis Tor.


I dug through the files. I saw things. That json file ends up being over 300 pages in MS Word lol…

I must know more. If i could i would drink your brains for the info. Tell me what you have seen, i must know.

next week is swords edge correct?

I think its Pridelands then Sword’s Edge…


So when do you think the new kingdom will be released?

My extremely well educated guess, based on all other kingdom releases, is mid-May.

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If you are correct, then I would suppose that the new troops will be of ultra-rare, then epic/legendary rarities. The first kingdom you mentioned is already pretty expensive, rarity-wise. The second is pretty cheap.

That is correct as long as they don’t last minute change them.

wonder if any will be for blighted lands or drifting sands since they have only 7 troops.

Neither is likely to come up in the next couple of months, since both just had events where they got their seventh troop.

Edit: I’m missing Carnex, and I am bummed that we just had the Ghiralee event – means I have to wait that much longer before I can hunt for Carnex in event chests again. Now, Zaejin and Maugrim Woods might get another event soon. Maybe I can grab the other two troops I’m still missing.

I’ve entered hoard mode, not spending gems or keys until new kingdom. Going to try to have about 300k gold banked by then too, to level the kingdom and buy gold keys for those pesky commons which are, ironically, my most needed troops.

edit: stupid fingers typed the wrong homophone

inb4 common troop for 50 glory?

I could see them allowing you to buy a specific troop for 25x the disenchant cost in souls.
125 for common
250 for rare
500 for ultrarare
1250 for epic
2500 for legendary

Though, restrict it to troops you already own