(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

If you consider “not-naked” as made of dog heads and tentacles, then yeah, she’s not naked on the bottom half.


all the supposed woman cards ingame seem to have man shoulders,maybe this arguement over how they are clothed is false they may all actually be trans :grin:

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If you look closely it look like she wear white panties :slight_smile:

Agree. More random instakills rather than tactics or creativity in teams. Unreliable for the player to use, yet capable of randomly screwing you over on defences to hand wins to the AI. Fails the Jainus-test again and again…


That’s exactly it. It’s a de-skilling of the game, which disproportionately benefits the AI.

Somewhat funny to have a counter to Submerge, when this status is almost useless…

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As long as they don’t stick it on the loading screen. I can get away with playing this game while at work, but it gets harder to justify when the loading screen is a minute of a busty booby woman.


It’s not so much a de-skilling of the game, but rather introduction of units that force random losses on the most skilled of players to achieve a “mandatory” win/loss ratio.

As someone who actually hard burnt out on Marvel Puzzle Quest, I’m worried about the gradual direction the game has taken since the Unity change. If the game is slowly heading in that direction, then there’s several avenues from MPQ Gems of War can borrow from to bring overachieving players back in in line to desired win/loss ratios.

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Isn’t that one of the reasons (if not the top reason) why units like Green Seer don’t show up on the loading splash screens anymore?

Is there any confirmation that the next kingdom will be Bright Forest and not Shentang?

The schedules are always subject to change, though this is what Salty said earlier in the month:


Checking back every few days to see if there is info on the “Bright Forest” troops. Guessing it’s based on some lore of the Summer court of Fey while Mab and her kin are of the Winter Court of Fey?

In any case looking to be proven wrong/right in the weeks to come.

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@Ozball still planning to release another kingdom before the end of the year or has that been pushed to early 2018?

The next Kingdom is not until next year.


So if ît’s not shentang what it gonna be?

Is it me or Skadi has no panties?

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Is it just me, or does her dress artwork suggest something entirely…different about her anatomy?

(Seriously, every time I look at the way the loincloth/tabard is tied up and how it drapes, I have to unsee what the shape implies. Unfortunate art D: )

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Mosasaurus also doesn’t were panties…

Based on the artwork I would expect Skadi to be a fey?

Or an elf…(The ears)