(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

Was she listed as an Ultra-rare earlier?

Oh no 2 quasit?? Lol

Yeah, I don’t quite see the value in this particular summon. On the other hand, she has the trait “Dark Death,” which gets bonus points for being metal as ****.


Preemptive bug report for the devs, then: “Erinyes” is plural; a single Fury on her own is an “Erinys”.

At least I think so but it’s been a while - and before someone asks, I’ve always pronounced it as “eh-rin-EEZ” for the plural and “eh-rin-ISS” for the singular, but Greek is weird so I’m kinda guessing. Yes yes, every language is weird to someone who doesn’t speak it.

I’d imagine the Quasits are just summoned as chaff, not as a real threat. The bigger problem is that they’ll immediately soak up all the purple that she’s about to make. =/

I’m fine with a gem transformer that summons in throwaway chaff, but that chaff can’t defeat the entire purpose of the transformation.

Halloween stuck on horns costume? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Black Beast, Erinyes, Firebomb, Firebomb. Then Black Beast munches on Quasits for the rest of the match. Sounds fun!


I guess you’d need something to feed them brown mana. Acolyte would be perfect because he uses purple that she creates

Or rock troll.

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Yes, forgot about rock troll. It’s a much better option.

Bump 10 char

@turintuor is on vacation, will be back soon and resume maintaining the spreadsheet we all love.

Thank you Turintuor!


Ok, happy vacation to @turintuor. :+1:

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Im back here again,Would you like to see my new spoiler pic?and the spoiler here is for reference only.All future troop details are subject to change at any time.:rofl:


I was hoping fir a Mythic Shiva from Glacial…oh well. :grinning:

Cool stuff, very useful at a glance!

May I make a suggestion that you put the Arcane Traitstone names like “Rage” “Spirit” etc. Not the word Arcane because we would already assume that.

If I want to point viewers to your helpful work, what’s the best way? Just a forum mention, or something else?

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Thank you for your time; and yours opinions will be grate helpful for my work.i’ll do it better nexttime.

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I hope this is a sign that more targeted colour transformers are finally coming. This one gives an alternative to Giant Spider. Would be good to see more of them.

Would also be good to get variety in the secondary effects, and ideally not these minimal usefulness summons - and both purple ones are just summons…


Oh my goodness, that’s so bright I thought it was a different game. Lol.

I think this Troop might be specifically for Sacrifice?

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