(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

Should add a 10% chance to self destruct on cast

So @Lyya

If it did have a 10% to suicide bomb, and kept the 25% chance to destroy, what is the probability that it will still be a pain in the ass?!!

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Any guess on when this guy will show up? I just spent all my gems getting Sylvanimora. It’ll be a while before I’ve built up enough gems to have any chance with the event chest lottery.

You have to be kidding…

Did the devs go on holiday and leave their kids in charge of game ideas? Supermegatrumpyourtroopertron…? I tired of doing that when I was nine… my kids do that when they argue with their pokemon and action figures… mine’s faster… mine’s fast and strong… but mine’s impervious to harm… but mine bypasses that and eats yours and gets mega strong and it has wings and red stripes…


Were you about to trait Syl?

In general, is it worth using all your resources trying to unlock a given troop when you know you cannot trait them in the forseeable?

To think, we have a single troop to thank for the entire mana drain era. (I also blame @Tacet for wanting a mech/dragon.)

I also blame him for bursting my ear drums with some of those hellooooooo’s :cry:


Maybe they’re just trying to see how far they can push it before the most die-hard anti-nerfers give in.

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Yeah, I can’t trait her. But I’m only missing a very small number of cards at this point, so it’s worth my while to dump all the resources I can into grabbing them.

Otherwise it could be… who knows how long? I’m still missing Carnex at 350 and I’d still be missing a handful of others if I hadn’t started targeting them through event chests (I also got my first Gloom Leaf this week).


Hero - Mechanist - Mang

Game over

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@ spoiled new troop - That’s strange. Isn’t April Fools’ Day usually in April?


It’s always open season for devs to play with the minds of people who go digging for spoilers…but I think this one is for real.

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Ugh I just found it in the file. Looks real. Probably not final (hopefully not). On the flip side, a ton of other stuff seems to be lined up, some of it eerily familiar too…

Yesssss, finally my Mech defense team will have a decent win ratio…

Considering the new dwarf we got, i believe this troop is real.

Anything you can provide info on?

Switch one for infernal King.

My thoughts on the troop, I think there maybe some over reaction here. It does no damage outside of the 25% chance to destroy. So most often will only cause the status effects. Also, mechs are weak to true damage, we will have to see if that remains true for this troop.

players aren’t using Kerberos a lot and it is similar. From the perspective of instant troop death. I don’t see a lot of Silent One either. Maniticore is only prevalent because of empowered and the very cheap mana cost.

Personally, I think it looks fine. Other than another troop that combines with Mercy. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::smiling_imp:

Edit: some auto correction issues…

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Stats, fully-ascended, no kingdom bonuses:

17 Attack
16 Life
30 Armor
8 Magic

Thanks, good to see the stats.

I wonder if Adana will have the brown converter as well?

Looking like the brown converter is coming with a new kingdom.

Could be. You never know. :stuck_out_tongue:
I guess we will see once the final version is released.