(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

It was said in the Lounge :wink: .


Mythic Urskaya Daemon-Urska

Roar of Anguish (24 Blue/Green/Brown): Deal [Magic + 8] damage to an enemy, boosted by Enraged allies. 20% chance to devour the next enemy above and below. [10x] 
MAX 25 Attack, 22 Life, 13 Armor, 11 Magic

Indigestible: Immunity to Devour.
24 Minor Earth Traitstone Minor Earth Traitstone
32 Major Earth Traitstone Major Earth Traitstone
16 Runic Earth Traitstone Runic Earth Traitstone
Stone Spirit: Gain 1 Magic for each Brown ally.
32 Major Earth Traitstone Major Earth Traitstone
9 Arcane Shield Traitstone Arcane Shield Traitstone
9 Arcane Forest Traitstone Arcane Forest Traitstone
Provocation: Enrage a random ally on 4 or 5 matches.
12 Arcane Shield Traitstone Arcane Shield Traitstone
12 Arcane Forest Traitstone Arcane Forest Traitstone
4 Celestial Traitstone Celestial Traitstone

Fear the Claw!

Scheduled for 10/06/2017. All future troop details are subject to change at any time.


This is a really weird troop, bear mixed with dragon

That’s one angry bear. :open_mouth:

So, he has a chance of devouring two troops at once?

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Yes, at a 4% rate. For any given cast, and assuming he targets a middle troop, there’s a:

  • 64% chance he won’t Devour anything
  • 32% chance he will Devour one troop
  • 4% chance he will Devour two troops

If he targets a top or bottom troop then there’s a 80% and 20% chance of no Devour and one Devour, of course.


WOW, knowing that AI devour is about double %, that troop is a must to have x2 and build a defense around it.




While this bear is no Fizzbang I can see the nerf coming before its even released. Which is good as @Bolatsi points out this thing on a AI run defense team would end up with a 75% chance for two devours, the forum rage will be epic.

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Double Devour?! They’ve lost their goddamn minds… It’s like, “Hey, you’re complaining about RNG? Well, surprise!!!”


Say what you will about IP2, they double down on design decisions they believe in. Personally I wish offensive Devour had never been introduced to the game, but that ship sailed loooooong ago.


It sometimes feels like they don’t care what their players like, or what’s happening at end-game, they just go with whatever they personally enjoy at the level they’re playing. I honestly feel like that’s where most of the balancing problems stem from.

And I guess that’s their prerogative, but it strikes me as a bad way to run a business. If that’s really how they feel though, then they should just say that. If they put their foot down and said, “We think this is fun. We like it. Deal with it.” at least that would be honest and clear communication and players would be able to take it or leave it.


That doesn’t look worse than Kerberos or Kraken. I think the new urska will be quite interesting

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Are you assuming that the devours are two separate rolls of 20% each or are you able to see how the spell is actually coded?

I read that as a single 20% chance of devouring two (with a possibility of missing depending on whether there are eligible targets above and/or below). That is, if 4 targets are present and a middle troop is targeted, there will be either zero troops or two troops devoured.


Yup look like both or nothing in case he target 3rd troop

I just checked. At the moment, the spell is coded to Devour the next and the previous troops independently, which means that he can Devour 0, 1, or 2 troops. The caveat is that the spell is set to Devour at 25% each. This contradicts the current wording of the spell and matches the old wording of the spell, so I expect the mechanics to be adjusted accordingly before the troop is released. But yes, the events are independent, so the above distribution is expected (64% / 32% / 4%). If the wording is in fact incorrect and the Devour is intended to be 25%, then the distribution will be 56.25% / 37.5% / 6.25%.



However you slice it, a 20% chance at two does not feel equivalent to a 40% chance at one. People are going to lose their minds whenever a double-devour happens, no matter how infrequent.


Also note that he doesn’t damage either of the Devour candidates, so they will more often be at full health than other Devourers.


I know. He’ll be able to target one middle troop for damage and then hope to devour full-strength victims on either side. You’re going to need at least 3 undevourable troops to have any sense of security against this guy…

Getting devoured when the troop has a low devour % infuriates me. I could only imagine how enraged I’d be if it happened twice in one turn.


I am the only one that is looking forward for this troop?