(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

3rd trait: All goblins get 2 extra turns on spell casts.

I predict a nerf thread.


‘All goblins gain 22 mana whenever an ally casts a spell’

That should just about do it

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That trait would facilitate the rise of the MOA!

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Bring the goblins back! It’s been long overdue. It will be a great time. Move over kerby and famine, the green machines are next.


Nice work as always @yonizaf. Thanks

So in the worst case, you could have to wait 3 years for a Zaejin’s Mythic…

Any idea ETA?
And details please.

Next next week.

AKA 11 days from now.

I’m no @Yonizaf, so you only get text :confused:

Legendary Zaejin Goblin
Goblin Party (17 Green/Yellow)
Deal [Magic + 1] damage to all enemies, boosted by ally and enemy Goblins. Gain an extra turn. [4x]
(Goblin Shield, Nature Heart, Second Helping)
MAX Attack:16 Life:34 Armor:16 Magic:8
Hero gumbo in the pot…

Second Helping: All allied Goblins gain 5 Life on 4 or 5 Gem matches.
Minor Nature Traitstone: 34
Arcane Light Traitstone: 6 (Pan’s Vale, Suncrest)
Celestial Traitstone: 2


Don’t forget to stock on Light Arcanes right now if you want to trait the Goblin Queen

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She is going to be pretty great with Goblins Rocket and Shaman, particularly against low-level teams. My 1 to 200 experience would have been way more annoying if half of the gobbo teams packed grapplepot.

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She could make a great stall team for GW? 5 life for each +4 match can get quite large!


So I guess she’s the anti-kraken? :stuck_out_tongue:

Where to find them without a background?

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I’m rather unimpressed by that third trait as drafted. Gaining Life is of little value for attack teams in the late game - it might help make goblins live longer but that doesn’t help with speed for farming and won’t help much against end game meta teams. It will slow down games if it appears in defence, which is just annoying. Thus fails my basic design request test, of being fun to use without being miserable to be against.

I’d rather see it either boost attack and magic stats, or deal damage. It should ideally trigger when you get an extra turn from a spell, to really work with goblin decks (which might need some new code).


How gorgeous is Yasmine’s Chosen?


Next cosplay?

I shudder at the idea of how many hours that body paint would take each time I wanted to wear it.

You could be the “pink skin” Yasmine’s Chosen.
Else you can try Snow-hunter’s cosplay…