(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

Anyone know about 15 new Delve rooms yet? I’m so excited about it, hope it come with 4.3 update!

Excluding new Factions' Start/Boss rooms, Here's the list

Legendary/Treasure - Dark King’s Hoard (Death Touch)
Legendary - Ice Cave
Epic/Treasure - Dark Magus’s Secrets (Arcane)
Epic - Dark Cabal
Epic - Fell Nest
Ultra-Rare/Treasure - Dwarven Ale-Vault (Grudge)
Ultra-Rare/Treasure - Thieve’s Hideout (Agile)
Ultra-Rare - Chimera Cave
Ultra-Rare - Dark Wave Pool
Ultra-Rare - Spider Nest (Slippery)
Ultra-Rare - The Bone Plie (Chill Touch)
Rare/Treasure - Pot o’ Gold (Greedy)
Rare - Hidden Nests
Rare - Smugggler’s Den
Common - Deep Hive

Fun Fact :

Dark King’s Hoard mark the first Legendary Treasure Room, with first second base-Mythic troop (after Xethanos) in the team : Flesh Golem/Werewolf/Hellcat/Draakulis

You can look up for more detail here