Now that we have such a robust system for filtering such egregious words as horseman, can it please have an auto-warn auto-ban for spam trolls?
I find it amusing that a thread about banning spammers appears at first glance to be spam itself.
Also, go get 'em, Nim!
Feels a little close to a callout thread, but disregarding that.
I agree a spam filter of some sort would be worth investing some time into. A couple rules for its activation:
- Activates upon XX number of messages in a minute.
- Activates when you post the same message within X minutes.
- Auto-ban function for X day(s) for XX repeat offenses within an XX hour timeframe.
Replace ‘X’ with a reasonable number.
I would agree if it was a player with time and history but this clown was level 4 and didn’t really have an identity beyound spamming.