Some upcoming Gems of War changes (including more gems!)

It is better than nothing.

They still need to compensate VIP players though in my opinion.


Like i said before, It’ll take about 10 weeks or so around that until well… I’d have enough for a bulk of 50 vip keys.

Yet, I feel like VIP is getting the burnt end of the stick.

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Yes, VIP players need a solution other than “buy gems, it helps the economy that we just wrecked”.


On the legendary tasks can you offer more event keys, more gem keys?

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Clever move:

  • reduce the Guild Task rewards,
  • then increase a little so everyone is happy with the change :wink:

The main issue with this patch was the random diamond drop, now it’s gone, we should be happy.


We get VIP chest access at VIP 5. What about at VIP 5, we get 1 vip key a day or something? I doubt that would hurt the economy, especially when you consider it’s rewarding only the more financially-loyal players.


But where is my gems?!

A thought I just had…

If the combination of more generous Dungeon results and the re-increase in Gems will allow players to obtain an average of 1 base mythic per month without paying in, I may consider it satisfactory.

I am missing 6 base mythics, including the craft-only mythic. If I’m not able to continue snagging most of the new releases as they come out, that backlog turns into a snowball that I will NEVER finish. For me, and I’m sure for others, collecting every troop is a major goal in the game.

If the only way to accomplish this is by paying, then the game has become pay-to-win, and I will still strongly urge withholding financial support.


My little pony cost me about 25k gems…

Where’s my console patch!


… … …

This is just awful.

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Called it: 3.1 Guild Task Rewards - Pending Updates - #170 by raphael


Had they not changed things then YES more gold would have meant more gems, because gems were in LTs and more gold means more LTs, ergo more gems.


How about you un nerf the gold per pvp battle that you did when 4x speed came out since you have now nerfed other rewards because we get too much gold. Yeah…makes no sense to us either.

I’m glad you posted something, but the reality is you give us stuff with no eta, and we see how quickly you roll stuff out. The community is pissed and you deserve their ire. It’s always one step forward and two steps back with you guys and we are sick of it.

While you’re at it, how about we fix the pvp points. Why am I punished for being in a good guild? There are people with 100 less fights and a worse record 40-50 spots higher on the pvp board. Please tell me how that makes sense.

It would also be nice if we could see the GW battle count after we do our battles…again, should be an easy fix that you guys are taking way too long to correct, but no worries, we shall hold our collective breath for you guys to do something that actually benefits the players.

I’ve played many games with bad dev teams and you guys are the worst by far. The truth can be a gut punch sometimes.


update is live on xbox

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It will be interesting to see @actreal’s analysis on the evolution of trophies to really see if there is that much more trophies.
Plus the nerf is still much more important than the 20-25% increase of trophies/gold that have been announced.


It’s not like it’s an overpowered amount. I don’t remember gems being thrown around in LT’s like they were always there, I barely saw them out of the thousands we done. I believe the most I’ve seen out of an LT is 35 gems. But now limiting us weekly to gems, absolutely should mean there should be some in LT’s if they’re really trying to limit the gems.

I also don’t understand this. If removing it was intentional (and this reply tells me it was) why wasn’t it documented in the patch notes?

Also, what possible harm can come from this? The guilds that grind LTs are going to grind LTs. Sure, they might grind a few more with 4X, but if they weren’t buying Gems before, they’re not going to buy them now.

Lower the amount of Gems you can get per LT. Instead of being able to drop 60, make the cap 30 (50% reduction!), or 20 (66% reduction!). That would have been smarter.

Let players continue to have a taste instead of giving them the finger saying sorry, the free dessert with your meal now costs $4.95, please form a line here to pay.

Limiting the available free Gems per week to Guild Wars and the Blue guardian may put everyone on “even footing” as far as Gem earnings, but it also makes it pointless to grind LTs at all…and other than chests, there is no other gold sink, so in a sweeping gesture you also made gold largely worthless.


Only means one thing, they are trying to limit all the players to buy out of those (not so worth it deals) for gems.

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But they have never explained the reason for gimping the basic blue task? They keep banging on about the LTs.


I am quite sure I saw the devs talking about removing gems from the legendary tasks. I think this change was made separately, before 3.1 went live. But I am not sure about that.

@MadOrange, the blue task was gimped because there were too many gem sources in the game. Same reason as the legendary tasks got hit. Too many free gems means less incentive to purchase. Irritating for players, to be sure, and we’ll see what the change means for in-app spending and player retention.