So much variety in PvP right now

And it’s a thing that must be discussed as long as it’s needed. At this point it’s hardly about just nerfing some troops or effects, it’s simply that we have a dire need for reworks too as well as some clever solution to make people opt for new teams every week or so.

There is no rotation in GoW outside the release of stronger troops (a.k.a powercreep) there is nothing limiting what the players can use, and honestly i suggested it a long time ago that having some restrictions could work:

I still think it can work, at this point just the “carrot” (I expect @Sheba to appear eventually :wink: ) wouldn’t do much of a thing, as in, what can be ofered for changing teams without literally giving players a reward for doing nothing? They aren’t playing their teams on defense and they lose almost nothing for each defeat, so even a small token of incentive seems kind of a lot in my (unpopular) opinion.

The restriction on team building is surely a “stick”, but one we really need i think.