Small not quite end of year note from Kafka


I want to apologise for not being around in the community as much as I normally would for the past while now, apart from random posts and short bursts. There were a couple of reasons for this:

The main reason - I was needed for and pulled away to other tasks - trust me I would much rather be spending more time here with you all discussing your ideas, concerns, sharing some behind the scenes stuff, posting memes and generally doing CM. I definitely made this known as well, but someone’s gotta do that other stuff and it had to be me :sweat_smile:

To a much lesser extent - To be very honest and transparent - I was also the target of some especially nasty harrassment and irl threats earlier in the year (ah the joys of CX :relieved:) so at first I think the team were trying to protect me from having to deal with any extra negativity despite my complaints. I think a short break probably did me good - the problem was those other tasks pulled me away for longer than a short break.

I’ve gone rogue and decided to re-prioritise community into my day to day again and also to do it my way so we can at least see the end of the year out this way. I told Sirrian to fight me, he declined. YEAH THAT’S RIGHT (jokes aside he wasn’t actually trying to stop me haha)

Let’s try to start working towards all feeling like we’re on the same team, on the same page about at least the big things and even when we disagree with each other that all of us feel heard, respected and valued. This is what I want to work towards with you from now and into the new year.

No, I promise you I’m not asking it to be all rainbows and butterflies (gross) - I just want you all to know I’ve got your back and IP2 actually do get it.

Let’s go


Thank you for being open and honest with us. I promise we have your back, we just want for the team to listen to some of the things we’ve asked for and not make the game all about what makes more money. But I also understand you all need to make some money to keep the lights on and eat :smile: Again I just want to say that I love this game, but some time’s it does feel like we are not being listened to :smile:


Ugh, gamers. I hate that this happens enough that it’s almost normalized; it’s really not OK.


Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that! That’s awful!

Even if people are not happy, everything has to be done in a civilised way, with mutual respect.

I hope that there will finally be a dialogue between the devs and the playerbase. There are some forum members whose ideas are really worth concerning.


people can have a disagreement and it not be hostile. if we all though the same life would be boring


Sorry to hear about the nasty harassment. Some people take things way too far. Nasty harassment doesn’t accomplish anything either.

I want to believe that working together is going to work, so I’m going to try. Since the other direction is already staring me in the face.

Guild Wars is (finally?) underway, so I’ll sit back and wait.

If I get ignored about everything else, Underspire Sentinel drop rates need to be looked at. We’ve been in the trenches for what… a year? year and a half? I think that’s enough time to collect data that it’s not in a good spot for a majority of the player base. Don’t need a song and dance rework, just one line in an update “Sentinel drop rates have increased” and people being happy and finding it would be great. Imagine, if people found a Sentinel once a week, some people would still need 20-30+ weeks to get a full collection of 6, based on patterns of the dragons from dragon eggs. Isn’t that plenty of weeks as is?


All complaints about the state of Gems of War aside, I hate that you’ve been harassed and threatened. This type of behavior is unacceptable and no one should have to deal with that. So, I’m glad that you’re doing okay.

As a player, I understand how the player-base feels. I get that we all feel ignored and unheard, but basic respect shouldn’t be lost in communication in the process.

We’re a community of players that all want Gems of War to succeed and get better. We all want the game to grow. Sometimes, players and developers don’t agree with what the game needs. This year has been especially brutal with all the bugs and issues players have been experiencing and how we perceive we’re being treated, but we need to remain civil about it.

Thank you for all you do for the community. Players need to be heard, but I also know the development team needs a roof over their head and food on the table too. Times are rough.

On the other hand, as a community, how we feel is important. When players don’t feel heard, that’s when they quit. Some of us are sticking around hoping to see things change. I just hope even the most dedicated of us aren’t driven out by future decisions made by the development team. Although I can see both sides, there is an unfortunate discrepancy between what players are saying versus what the development team is doing in response. Players are justifiably worried and frustrated.

Players weren’t impressed by how the 10th anniversary was celebrated. For such a major milestone, we should have gotten more than we did. That said, I don’t know what’s going on behind closed doors and I don’t know why the discrepancy exists. All I know is it hasn’t been repaired.

I’d like to know if communication with players can become a bigger priority in the future. It’s important for the overall health of any game.


I’m confident it won’t take us long to cure you of that notion. Welcome back. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Sorry to read you’ve been the victim of harassment and things.
As one of the “oldies” in this game (Yes I celebrated my tenth year in the game too) I’ve never felt the need to be disrespectful and / or abrasiv in my comments even if I wasn’t agreeing with some developments or changes in the game.
However … sometimes I’m under the impression that some decisions made by the dev team might be not well thought through, with this I mean not only decisions made about changes in the game but also regarding to banning players. (Yes I’m ready to discuss this in person with you Kafka)
Anyway I do agree that attacking someone in person for doing his/her job can’t be tolerated and is totally out of order.
I hope you were able to let it behind you and hope it will never occur again (although that might be wishful thinking)
Keep up the good work Kafka!! :wink: :ok_hand:

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We need to gather a Kafka Defense Force!

But seriously, that’s never okay. I’m sorry you have to deal with that kind of nonsense in addition to our regular forum nonsense :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I truly believe that you and the devs have the best intentions, and we all want this game to succeed. Communication is the way forward!


I appreciate you giving this a chance and I’ll do my best.

I just replied about the sentinels and dragons in this thread - can’t remember if you’re over there already:

Not a solution, just letting you know what I’m doing with the feedback currently.

Thanks and yes 100% agree, and I’m also totally ok with people venting their frustration as well, but yeah there’s a big difference between voicing your frustration and crossing that line of realllly antisocial and harmful behaviour.

The team knows as well that the people who are frustrated are super passionate about the game and that’s why they’re frustrated! Even if you’re mad you’re important. You really care, and that’s something we can all agree on - we care, disagreements or not.

Also 100% agree with this, gonna do my best and am honestly going to spend more time than I really have on it, but I want this to be my priority.

:rofl: I just need to work out how to embody my inner duck when this happens and let it roll right off my back. Oops, did I say “when”? I totally meant “if” :wink:

Ok, but, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?! Like I’m sure this isn’t a threat but what a line to put into a response where I mention IRL threats haaa (I’m messing with you I’m sure you’re chill Diver haha)

Anyway thanks, I wasn’t really sure what kind of a response this post would get or if I should ahve even posted it but I think we’re good, it’s good. Just gotta do the work now and prove to you it’s a priority.


It means what it says Kafka, and that’s no threat at all.
And me being chill??? Very likely since I’m a frequent scuba diver (who would have thought that with a game name like that hey?? :joy:) and here (Belgium) that means rather chilly water in winter …


Thank you for posting this. I think all of us players only want 1 thing. That is to continue to make this game great and add new and returning players once again.

I still please ask you guys add stuff to the VIP levels… I have spent well over 15k into this game and so have quite a few friends. The ammoint you have to spend to even reach ViP 20 is insane as it is, and the fact you guys completely just stoppee caring about the ViP’s really doesn’t sit right. I know my self no longer spend as much money as I once did because I feel as “whales” who have been main supporters of this game, we have been forgotten about.

things to add:

Gold marks, silver marks,burning marks, diamonds, dragonite, verses, jewels.

Pretty much anything that has been added into the game… Just revamp the VIP rewards instead of shoving $$ offers down our throats. There isnt enough reward for the value you guys offer for the normal player. Better longterm rewards per vip level will see more people spending money on offers and helping keep the game alive.


I’ll make sure to mention this again as part of overall offers feedback, because as you sort of inferred the VIP system is sort of the foundation all the offers sits on so could warrant some renewed attention after such a long time.