Should Guild Wars be closed down? *VOTE*

Its because its bonus for brown troops day, she wont give you any bonuses then since she is blue/yellow.


GW should be canceled for this week. It is nonsense.


I’m shocked that a “glitch” this gamebreaking was left in over an entire day in AUS. Hopefully, similar to the Fizzbang nerf, this gets addressed asap today.

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Fizzbang was just adjusting some spell related numbers. The target bug is a coding issue, I would be surprised if it doesn’t require a client update.


I agree. You can set up impervious troops for Green Day defense and it would be a moot point. But if blue day rolls around then yes it should be cancelled.

Yeah, which means we have to wait on the console approval process for a PC fix, because it would really suck if they could fix one platform faster than another.

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Actually, there are other troops not green that can now outright kill enemy troops. I haven’t tested it, I don’t think Impervious will block kill effects.

Soul dragon respawns with 175life and 91 attack. Nice bug.

Too bad purple day is gone, I was contemplating Wisp + Dark Princess

I hope it is canceled for the week otherwise my guild might be going down a bracket because we will be using our normal GW teams and taking the losses.

Conspiracy theory.

The targeting bug isn’t a bug. Just in case the new UI was taken poorly, this ‘bug’ keeps people playing while they make amendments.

OT. Yes. Until this is fixed. Shut it down.

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I personally enjoy the Guild the Wars, but what i would like to see…If you are part of a Guild Team, then the WHOLE TEAM, should be allowed to play. My husband who plays everyday and on weekends plays a substantial amount of time on weekends including more than 2 or 3 times a day(if given the chance), has not been able to get into some of the Guild Wars. The only set back i see with Guild Wars and some of the other Tiered Events, once you get passed the first tier fighting it can be impossible to move on, especially if you cannot choice the troops you want to play and are given cards to choose from which really dont rank very high for damage and or magic abillities even if you were to level those cards up as you go. So, there is a small level of unfair playing in my opinion. On the other hand, I am still new and maybe just have not figured out the best tactic of play stragedy as of yet but i keep FIGHTING ON!!! This is a game and I think when people have reached a point where the fun has gone and a more down trodden or serious attitude has taken place, its time to give the game up!!! Again, this is just my personal opinion and i respect the disagreement of others.

this is a very biased poll. No i dont want GWs closed, ever. GWs is the greatest event in GoW. i dont think its completely clean and it should be looked at.


I think you might be talking about some other mode. Guild wars let’s you pick any troop you want.

Just a note that this thread is over a year old and was only recently revived. So the original post and replies were in context for 2017 but maybe not now in 2019?

I’m aware there’s concerns with cheaters not being banned but if you report someone to Support and they’re not banned, they weren’t cheating. We also regularly check for cheating in the game and take action.

In 4.3 you won’t be able to see which Guild you’re fighting until the GW day starts so you can’t set easy defense teams to collude with other Guilds either.

I’m going to close this thread just because it’s a revived thread from over a year ago. If this topic is still relevant to you and you want to discuss please start a new thread to discuss it with context from recent times :slight_smile: