Shifting The Scales

anyone pair the naga queen with shig yet?

So who is training what from the double troop event and are you going to gather the glory from it with maps or pvp?

How good is Mercy? I have 4k glory saved up, but I’m not sure if I want to spend almost all of it to get the 12 Arcane stones I need for empowered.
Especially since next week is probably red/black (because of the new goblin troop, right?) and I’d like to buy some of them as well.

Mercy is pretty damn fantastic. If they do nerf her at some point you should get the option to get the Swamp stones back (but it won’t give you glory back, nor will it allow you to get the Lava stones from next week). Big call for you. :slight_smile:

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Mercy is very good, her empowered trait can really kickstart your team with a lucky starting board and as a yellow transformer she plays well with some of the strongest troops in the game right now. Her cleanse and heal can come in handy too.
But beware the forums nerf mob already sharpens their pitchforks, eyeing this strong but objectively not overpowered troop.

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Yeah, that’s why I turned to the forum for advice! I don’t have Great Maw yet, that would make the decision easier. What other troops does she combo well with? I tried looking on ashtender, (fantastic site, by the way, thanks for maintaining it, lyya!) but it’s down for me atm.

Yeah. It’s been up and down all day long. If this keeps up, I’m going to have to find a new host. :anger: :anger:

Mercy goes well with basically any Yellow troop. One of the scarier combos at the moment is Mercy + Infernal King + Sheggra. Maw + Mercy + IK works as well.

Combining the 2 suggestions works even better:
Maw + Mercy + IK + Sheggra

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The Mawlchemist team is pretty scary too, two transformers to fill up Maw.


R/Y Banner: Alchy fills up on two red matches

Why use Infernal King instead of Keeper of Souls to generate skulls for the Great Maw? Slightly cheaper spell, more control over the transformation, and still one color overlap.

Can anyone confirm if Marilith even is in the event chests? I have bought a ton of chests and didn’t get a single Marilith, while i got over 30 Naga Queens.

It has to do with the yellow transformation - once Maw is filled any excess spills over to the IK. Especially helpful when you have Mercy and/or Alchemist on the team.

IK has two ways to make 4-5 gem matches: red/brown or green/skulls. So can be easier to launch safely once charged.

Not to mention IK breaks any barrier for your ennemy to fully appreciate the number of skull matches. Keeps maw from gaining banner on trait proc though, but, generally, when Maw takes his first bite, the game is over…

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She is, but in 100 event chests, I got fewer of her than I expected. I think I got around 6 in the 100 chests, and then burned glory to Mythic her.

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Well thanks for the info… 6 is still a whole lot more than 0 though, so be thankful for that :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well, since you can choose which colour to transform KoS is usually easier to launch safely, BUT IK generates red, which is important for builds with Sheggra. And also when the first troop is frozen, even though that’s not a common case.
Well, plus the damage and yellow usage of course as someone mentioned already.

after Maw devours IK can come into play making skulls/gems for sheg/and extra turns
massive skulls/cascades to a sheg allowing back to back skull produce with boosted up maw wiping the floor with opponent.
if opponent hasn’t interfered at that point match is generally over.

devouring a already devored Maw though = heck of a troop booster :slight_smile:

As a console player, I’m not sure when I’ll see these changes, but I would still like to be involved in the discussion.

Maralith seems pretty strong, and I like that she is R/G as from my experience on PS4, I haven’t seen many R/G cards in general…and the ones I did see seem kinda…well, mediocre. I think this will definitely spice things up!

As for the Naga Queen, I’m glad there is another transformer in the game (transforming is my favorite mechanic so far) but I feel like she won’t shine too bright in her early levels as she pretty much puts a target on her face by not only having less than a total of 10 when combining her Armor and Health until Level 4 plus she gives the entire team life based on the amount transformed with a solid 3:1 ratio…I would personally make her a prime target if I saw her on the enemy team.

Now, the most controversial change being the Scale Guard…no matter how to phrase it or look at it, numbers-wise this is moreover nerf. Allow me to clarify…

Before even looking at the change in mana and traits, it’s a nerf. Compared to prior, right after opening a chest and getting this card it’s power is DRASTICALLY lower. Having a starter Magic of 1 means that damage to a poisoned enemy is now 8 instead of 10, and you don’t equalize until level 7 when you would be getting 10 damage either way, and you don’t get more out of the change until lvl 10 where it’s only 1 more damage then what you would have had prior. Basically, they traded early level damage where this card was just crazy but fell off in later levels to less early but more viable for your max-level teams for PvP.

The poisoning after damage on the ability doesn’t seem like anything but a buff: if they are poisoned, you deal double damage; if they aren’t, you still deal some damage, and now they are. It helps out a lot, as the other poison-users on your team may not be up when his ability is, giving you another poison engine…and maybe even opening room for something that capitalizes on debuffs (Watcher).

The trait changes seem like the biggest nerf, honestly: Fire Link seemed REALLY good on him. That with a mono-red banner, and one four-match would fill him up AND give you the turn to use him…or it would if they didn’t up him to 8 mana. Instead, we got Immune to Poison, which makes sense but honestly doesn’t do a whole lot as poison is way too slow in the higher levels and it’s all about the extra effects due to poison…plus it’s not reliable. You should have an answer for it without this trait, and that makes it a waste IMO.

Empowered is an attempt to make up for Fire Link and can give a T1 Poison, but you have to basically decide to keep this guy for the long haul and invest in him if you want that, were as Fire Link gave early-level potential and then you could still drop him later if you wanted.

The new mana cost isn’t that big a deal even now that Fire Link is gone, it only matters if you don’t take a partial-red banner.

As for Poison Master, it’s an overall buff, doesn’t really need breakdown.

Mist Stalker is CRAZY buffed! True Damage, followed by Poison for more potential true damage, and now gets to do even MORE true damage on next cast versus being even more tanky than he already was…and no mana cost nerf. This card is way better than it was before, hands down.