Shifting The Scales

Arrgghh - server overload! A CRAZY amount of people just jumped into the game… you guys… :rage:


@Sirrian Seems to be a bug where people have lost all their souls. Will post a report in a sec.

Clearly your fault. You made weekly resets far too exciting!


Seeing a lot of this soul thing, tempted to stay TF away from the game until its clear that’s been resolved…

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We’ve just fixed an issue where some souls were lost by people playing a game on the end of the priest event

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So, what, a minute then. Back to it I guess.

If you still have your souls, you’re likely fine. The fix hasn’t gone through for me just yet, though.

My guess is that they fixed the issue that Sirrian mentioned and that caused a couple issues for other people who lost ALL their souls. Just my guess though.

Hmmmm. If I want to trait Webspinner, I have to reduce my Glory to double digits … Then I wouldn’t have enough to get the next event troop, which would let me trait Jarl. Sorry, not today!

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Don’t want to lose track of this in the server woes. We had a great convo a couple of weeks ago about troop balancing ideas. Lots of good stuff in there that a lot of us would love to see come to fruition!

Marilith does not seems to be doing True Damage as advertised.
I hope this is just a bug waiting to be fixed… seeing that I just dumped most of my Glory into it to raise it to Mythic ==

Meanwhile, Marilith has the highest attack stat in the game. Before her ability raises it further. Plus Siege. Plus Frenzy.

@Sirrian i’ve lost all my souls have 49 atm…lol

This is a known bug, Sirrian is working on it I believe. Send a report to Support about it.

We’ll get a fix out as soon as possible.

We’ve got a fix lined up, but we need to test it before we push it out.

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I like the Changes a lot…!
And… I definitely love Marilith :revolving_hearts:
True Damage + Collector = :grinning:
The Colours are also an excellent Choice…
Great Job… :+1:

Marilith seems stupid OP at lower levels. Then relatively weak at higher levels. Guess if I were starting over I’d use her for the easy wins until she falls off, at which point you’re presumably able to build a stronger team.

Next time you restart the game the fix for Marilith should come through.


Troop list updated to reflect trait changes.