…I used to get defensive victories regularly, and with a decent ratio (2:1 or so), but I imagine that exponentially changes as the levels increase, especially since I lack all the legendaries, etc.
I looked it up and it said “only obtained from special events.” Womp womp wahhhhhh. Thanks though!
Aziris increases the number of extra turns after using Keeper of Souls and helps set up situations for Keeper to turn into 4 skull matches. Sunweaver charges up Keeper and increases his skulls’ damage. Skeleros clears the board of skulls and creates new ones to prevent the opponent of using my skulls against me.
Aziris is awesome. When you’ve got a high attack unit up front, he can provide you with lots of skull matches, and can also give 4 of a kind skulls when they are available. He fills up so far it’s ridiculous.
I use the same with Dire Wolf instead of Orion. They both work well in their own way; Orion for self boosting random damage, and Dire Wolf for faster action double skull destroyed damage.
I fought your team a while back, and traded Hobgoblin for Barbearius to keep with the explode theme. If the construct bonus gets fixed, it would do just as well to use 2x Goblin Rockets and sacrifice green gems.
Although I still don’t have a legendary–and I’m level 72 and opened many more chests–my friend now pulled her second legendary…with an iron key of all things. She is approximately level 20 fml. Anyhow, any suggestions on what to do with these? She has Gorgotha and The Silent One. Btw, we play on xbox.
Both great troops. Overlap on yellow but still work together. TSO is fragile but silence is very useful. Try adding Herdmaster to cure him when he mutes himself - more yellow but Herdmaster can collect purple, and having two exploders makes for a fast (if occasionally risky) strategy. Put something green and/or red on the front - Hero for example - to tank.
No duplicate ATM. But I don’t intend to place another Orion inside since the Alchemist also charges the Green Seer. I would lose a lot of speed by this (and I need that speed to keep up with Goblin Teams).