September Event Calendar

Just curious, but maybe some people just need to be toxic with someone i guess.

you can’t have an official calendar, cause everything is changed now again, lol

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You mean like this insinuation, while vague, clearly commented towards me? :clown_face:

And btw, another change of the dates, seems they now occur “daily”.

Vault - Friday, Dec 15, 2023 - Sunday, Dec 17, 2023

one hand clearly knows what the other one is doing…

I guess @ANGI is right. Not that easy to get a calendar ready with daily changes…

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I mean like this comment, it only makes me more curious in why you need post this so much. It makes no difference to me if we have this calendar or not.

After changing my working schedule several times because of the vault event, I’m just skipping it now. Working on Xmas completely as well as the currently scheduled weekend, because events get mixed up all the time …

It’s mostly about communication, or rather the lack of it. The Customer Experience Team set out just three months ago to post a monthly event calendar, showing preliminary planning of upcoming events. Apparently that intention has run into difficulties, or has been abandoned altogether. That’s okay, plans can change. However, it would have been polite to inform the community about it, instead of once again keeping everybody wondering what’s going on.

Reminds me of the “Community Week” that was announced to happen every year. Worked out exactly twice, then it received the silent treatment.


Maybe a problem is, that you only value your opinion on that matter. As I wrote before, if you don’t care for it - you could easily move on which for whatever reason you can’t/won’t. You even say yourself, it won’t matter to have it or not, so the question is: what’s your problem on requesting it? :clown_face:

Upcoming weeks got changed several times over the last few days without communication in any way. For me, as a working person, with interest in certain gamemodes It is about planning reliability/certainty/dependability.

For additional info please just read the comment of 4.21 above.

I already did, I asked because I wanna know why it’s so important for other people. Also, while you’re happy that they changed the vault event date, other people will miss it because of it, are you sure you talking about me not caring about others?

I’ll miss most of the changed vault event too, since I was perfectly happy with the eventual change from around xmas to around turn of the year. Which was then one day later again changed to one week before xmas. We’ll see if this date finally “stays”.

With a calendar released every change they later do will be a bit embarassing because obviously such stuff can be planned out in advance, also more than just a few weeks if you do your work properly and don’t plan stuff you can’t finish, which would also be just that: false planning.

Planning security would also most likely lead to less people missing out on stuff because they can plan ahead. I know people in my guild that are interested in taking vacation on a Friday for vault events. So let me ask you this:

? :clown_face:

They can change everything so not much point in using that for the planning. I’m more curious in why it was changed. And that shows that you still don’t care about people that have plans before the change.

Crystal ball mode. Mydnight troops require a client update to handle the new Terror status effect (and possibly other things). Update 7.3 took longer than planned, it was supposed to drop tonight and had to be pushed back by a week. There wasn’t any way they could stick with the original schedule.


You seemingly just won’t understand, it isn’t a “can’t” problem, it truely is a “won’t” problem. For whatever reason. :crazy_face:

Not that easy for devs to change “everything”, as you claim, it isn’t working “just like that”. Even harder if they already released a calendar because of the whole embarassment they’d face afterwards. Sure, they still can, but it gets more unlikely, as we haven’t seen major changes I can remember as of now since we got calendar news in advance, which you could argue proofs my point here. :shushing_face:

Why would I care about the initial date change affecting others? If you read back and understand, that was my initial request in this thread. Just read back months ago. :wink: And three days ago. :wink: Others voiced their opinion against that, which is fair. Ultimately I can’t influence the devs to do my proposal.

For whatever problem you feel you seemingly have with me and my opinion or whatever you’re mad about with me, be mad at devs instead for not properly communicating such stuff way sooner or changing things only now and not providing any infos about why things got changed. But most likely 4.21’s assumptions could be correct.

They just changed everything and before also with the road map so this all seems pointless to me still. If you read back, you will see that I just make a question. Are you sure I am the one with problems?

They did not change “everything”, not even anywhere close to that - seriously. What an exaggeration…

The sometimes published roadmap always was over a much longer timespan than just a month, you should maybe keep that in mind too. Seems more logical and also acceptable that changes happen in a longer timespan compared to a timespan of just one month.

No need to read back, since I understood things the first time just fine. And I answered your relevant questions.

offtopic again but I’ll also answer your question.

Who was off topic again?


Enjoy your day.