Second Claw Anhur Spell Issue

Hello Adventurers,

We have been investigating reports where Second Claw Anhur’s spell could occasionally cause the game to crash, particularly on Xbox and PlayStation platforms.

At this stage we believe we have found the cause of the issue, which is to do with the Triangle shape gem destruction. However it will need a client update to fix it.

To prevent Anhur from causing futher issues in PvP or on other platforms we will be changing his spell so he will destroy a 3x3 Block of Gems instead.

We will revert his spell back once the client update with the fix is released (currently looking at 5.6 Update).


Thank you for quick band-aid fix. Some devious players were putting him on GW defense. If he cast his spell was a guaranteed game crash.

Hey there,
looks like you guys reverted the Wyrmrun troops’ traits. How about Second Claw Anhur’s spell, will this ever happen?

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