Retired thread

Left the guild :slight_smile:

Invite sent!

We have 1 spot open. If you think you fit to our guild, please contact me or @Flatulenzio here. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi, do you still have an open spot? I am new player who is currently looking for a guild, would have no problems meeting your requirements.

Hi, please tell me your invite code.

It’s Igno_2FSF

Invite sent!

We have 2 spots open! If you think you fit to our guild, please contact me or @Flatulenzio here. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey there, I’m quite keen on joining! I’m level 451 and my invite code is BRIDGETTE_FDGY

Hi, you have to leave your current guild before I can invite you.

Whoops! That was pretty embarrassing. I’ve left it now, try again when free!

Invite sent :smiley:

We have 2 spots open! If you think you fit to our guild, please contact me or @Flatulenzio here. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m interested

Anyone openings lol

We have a few spots open! If you think you fit to our guild, please contact me or @Flatulenzio here. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello, I’m currently in a guild that’s become pretty much inactive, it no longer enters Guild Wars nor makes any seal chest upgrades, I’m level 400+ and have been steadily adapting to the game and wish to join a more active guild and take my skills to the next level and beyond… A guild that’s casual with no pressure but do what they are capable of is the type I’m looking for. This guild sounds very fitting for what I’m looking for if you still have any opening do please let me know, tyia.

Hi, please tell me your invite code and let me know if you have left your current guild.


I haven’t left yet, I have only just begun scouting, I’m hoping to be in a new guild by the start of the new week

I can’t invite you without leaving your current guild. If you are still interested, let me know.