Retired thread

Come join Audles!
If you’re looking for a casual atmosphere and an established group of dedicated players, you’ve come to the right place.

Rank 200
League: God 3,236,698+ trophies
Guardian levels 200
Guild Wars bracket 13-15

We complete all 6 Tasks every week and several epic tasks. We have no requirements for the weekly events, except full GW participation but we’re always pushing for the top rewards.


200k Gold
100 Trophies
1000 Seals, 2k on Mythic weeks
Full Guild Wars participation
Discord mandatory

We have a great group of veteran members who far exceed our minimums every week, simply for the love of the game and the guild, making for a very stress-free environment when it comes to hitting our numbers. If you’re unable to meet your goals for a given week, just post it in our vacation channel on Discord and we’ve got you covered.

We have a very active set of Discord channels to take advantage of with an amazing group of guild mates communicating and helping out every day. We also host shared spreadsheets to help with team building and to track our weekly goals.

We’ve made a great little home here at Audles that goes well beyond the match-3 game it was built upon. With 22 members currently on the roster who have been with us for more than a year and most of those are nearing three and even four years, that’s the sort of atmosphere we uphold every day.

Casual but dedicated.

Hopefully this all sounds like something you’d like to be a part of. If so, leave us your invite code and any other information about yourself or your gameplay that you think might be relevant and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Updated - 11/09/23

We have 1 spot open. If you think you fit to our guild, please contact me or @Flatulenzio here. :slightly_smiling_face:

I have been playing for a little over a year now and I am active in all the events. I play multiple times a day and have all my kingdoms at level 10 or more and all are at power level 5 more. I am looking for a more active guild than the one I am in and your guild seems to fit my style. If you are interested my invite code is SHOGUN92376_GYR7. Thank you.

Hi, you have to leave your current guild, then I’ll send you an invite.

I left my guild.

Invite sent!

We have 1 spot open ! If you think you fit to our guild, please contact me or @Flatulenzio here. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello. This guild sounds like a good one for me. I am a new player of the game, but I know I will be playing a lot since I love this kind of game. In the old guild I joined I got 2000 seals on the first day this week, but I left that guild now, since it was not very active. I also have discord and can join your server =)

MORDAINE_HQVY is my invite code, if you wish to invite me.

Invite sent! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello. I’m level 1195, I’ve been playing activly since June. All my kingdoms are between 10-15th level and at power level of 8-13. I play daily, participate in GW and all the events. I’ll be glad to join your guild. My invite code is JANNIE_S8DT

Hi Jannie, I sent you an invite!

We have 1 spot open. If you think you fit to our guild, please contact me or @Flatulenzio here. :slightly_smiling_face:

1 Like

Hello! I’m a level 302 player who’s just returning to the game after more than a year’s absence. The guild requirements mesh with my play style, but I’d be someone who would be learning from others a lot more than I’d be able to give advice or information. I’m hoping to find a casual and friendly atmosphere with active players who don’t mind someone who’s teams are on the weaker side.

If it sounds like I might be a good fit with your group, my invite code is KILLIGREW_9UAQ

Invite sent :smiley:

We have 2 spots open. If you think you fit to our guild, please contact me or @Flatulenzio here. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi, are you still looking for members? I’m level 321, playing multiple times every day since starting in December. Love this game! I’m in a guild now with no requirements and find myself at the top level through each event and I’m read to join one that I can reap the rewards for my efforts. Love the casual atmosphere you have within the forum, just folks who enjoy playing the game but still getting handsomely rewarded.

Please send me your invite code.

May I join?

I did fit this guild for a long time. What happened to Exile?
Stats for the week so far: 800,000 Gold, 1606 Seals, 313 Trophies, and 15 for 15 wins in GW.

Invite code: JBFRANKLIN26