[Resolved] Decay gems aren't dropping

I’ve played a lot since Monday, when the new campaign started, and I have yet to see decay gems drop. I’m not the only one who’s noticed this, either. See here. I’m on PC and my invite code is AVERETT_TTZU.

We have reports and screenshots from other players that these Gems are appearing.

We are still just double-checking that nothing has changed in the past couple of hours since other people have confirmed they are dropping, but as it’s the morning here and the team are just starting - nothing should have changed in the hours we were not in the studio.

Just waiting to hear back!

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Appears I missed that the images I was looking at, were likely all troops that can create them rather than them dropping :woman_facepalming:
Either way! The team is on it, appears some of the information was not committed to live so that should be going out asap.


Thanks for the heads up!

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And this is a problem because……?

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Decaying Gems will always armor strip your own team regardless if you match them or the enemy team does, because we’re always trying to keep our own team intact while chipping away at the enemy team.

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I have seen Decay Gems dropping in at random, but it’s an extremely rare occurrence for a featured Campaign Gem.

I just had one drop for me. Either it’s been fixed or, like Stratelier said, it’s an extremely rare occurence.

I had one drop for me too

fixed now…