Request AI refinement

There’s actually quite a bit more to it than you listed, but big-picture-wise you’re not far off

  • Determine a priority on colors… based primarily on what I need, and secondarily on what I should deny (sometimes in this step it MAY put denial as its #1 priority, usually not though, despite what you might think… I believe when it DOES deny it’s just very memorable, and recall bias kicks in)
  • If there is a 4/5 skull match, take it
  • if there is 4/5-match of a color, then take it (preference for 5’s of course)
  • Ignore the previous step if it’s a match 4/5 for a troop-color that I can’t get turns from because it’s frozen
  • if there is skull match take a random instance (slight preference for lower-down to increase chance of lucky drops)
  • if a skill is ready run some custom AI routines to determine if it’s cast (this works better on older spells… much tougher on newer spells, and difficult to work around because of Apple’s restrictions on adding dynamic scripting to apps)
  • Based on my color priorities from step #1 choose a 3-match on the board (with a slight preference for vertical matches lower down since they cause more lucky cascades)