[REPORTED] Wrong troop in PvP Defense team (lance knight)

This is the reason?! I thought it was some kind of inside joke that I was missing…

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The inside joke is that’s it’s been around for years, with multiple bug reports abandoned somewhere between [Investigating] and [Fixed]. Here, have a limerick:

Three orcs in a fight were quite puzzled
when they found themselves gently nuzzled.
By a horse in their rear
with a Lance Knight to steer.
The fourth orc had somehow been hustled.


I sometimes put a Lance Knight into my defense team’s 4th slot on purpose after that I learned this was a bug. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I may have another example to report. In Casual PVP I found this team:

  • Chalcedony
  • Geomancer + Black Manacles
  • Craghound
  • Lance Knight

(update: This was in Casual PVP mode, and while I did take a screenshot, it doesn’t seem to appear in my Battle Log to try again.)

Because why bother running a 3-Construct Chalcedony team when you can run 4-Construct Chalcedony?

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You can confirm it as the Lance Knight bug by going to the opponent’s profile from the PvP Battle Log and hitting “Fight” to do a training battle; the Lance Knight replacement doesn’t seem to occur in training battles.

I just had one: Mang, Bile Blackheart, 2x Great Wyrm; in ranked PvP the last Wyrm was replaced by Lance Knight.

that said, aw man, I love this:


I just saw this fight in pvp with a Lance Knight. I fought it to see if the actual defense team had Lance Knight… it didn’t.
(You can see this by checking your pvp battlelog-> choose the player you fought-> view profile-> fight).


@Bramble 3 months later, this bug is still happening. Are there any plans to fix it?

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3 Months? :rofl:


Gotta remember to congratulate the thread to its second anniversary next month. Is it even still a bug at this age, or already a full grown beetle?

Maybe players are already so used to it, that there would be bug reports, if it was ever fixed…
Or maybe this is a fix, similar to the one million gem offer, that prevents a reality devouring monstrosity to pick the bugged slot.

Whatever, development does not care, nothing new about that.


Hi @Jeto. As others have noted, it has been 2 years since your response to this bug. Do you know if there are any plans to look into this, or if it has been forgotten completely?

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Hello :slight_smile:

I’ll ping the development team about this issue again and see what we can do.


But… why exactly Lance Knight though? Troop id 6056 so it isn’t even first troop.


FYI this is still happening 10/23/2023


No incentive to fix it. Not losing any customers over it, why bother


I honestly don’t think this will be fixed, ever.


Ummm yeah. We are getting the same response with the devs trying to fix the unobtainable weapons for Nintendo Switch users.

I always thought that lance knight should be replaced by Luther. (A sneaky way of Nimhain checking in on us.):rofl:


I came here to check on this and signed up to add to the many people who have been encountering this for seemingly over 2 years now :sweat_smile:

So there is no bizarre Lance Knight 4th slot meta I’ve been unable to fathom for the past couple of weeks, it’s just a long-standing bug. That puts my mind at rest, to some extent.

The real reason I came to the forum is to see if Pet Gnomes had taken long-term leave, not having seen one for weeks when I was used to getting multiple a day… assumed it was a hard nerf on my account that might reset monthly or something (fairly new to the game), so maybe he’s off sick and Lance Knight is the agency-supplied stand-in.


Just to add to yesterday’s post, here’s a (massive) image showing just a sample of the games that were ruined by this meddlesome Knight. Lance, dear, if you happen to be reading, please leave the invading to the gnomes… 2 years 2 months you’ve been at this now, hun, it’s time to accept that people just don’t want you on every one of their teams. You’re by no means terrible, but since you showed up and my gnomes went on vacation PvP has been less fun.

(Link to image hosting site full size image: https://abload.de/img/working2k6fp9.png)


This is still happening. I’ve played this team before, it is supposed to be 4 Hoard Mimics.

I get at least one battle like this every time I play PVP for more than 5 minutes.


Thanks so much - super helpful!

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