[REPORTED] Weekly guild tasks not resetting properly

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What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
I was expecting guild members to receive rewards for all completed tasks. At least one didn’t receive anything, due to having “already received it this week in another guild”. The member has been part of the guild for more than six years.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Gold for broken tasks was contributed about half an hour past weekly reset. Might be happening for other guilds too, it’s easy to miss when rewards get compressed into a single mail.


Also happened to someone in our guild.

Seems to be affecting other areas too, see [RESOLVED] Event badge not rewarded. Shop tiers got purchased after reset, event badges received got replaced with season badges. Server job running too late?

Yes, also happening to me and others in my guild. PC/Mobile

Update…this may just be a visual bug/glitch. A tally of rewards in the first mail seems to be consistent with actual tasks completed (at least in my case). Others may want to double check to confirm.

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Hey all,

Sorry I missed these threads sooner!

I just posted about this on another thread and saw this.

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