[Reported] Underspire: Endless corridor

If you care about fairness why don’t you put your money where your mouth is and, for example, (like @Dwuemka already mentioned before I had a chance to) have Luther tell every player that there are underlying patters in map generation and discovering those patterns might improve their odds at succeeding?
Then the players, if they are interested enough, can either figure the patterns out for themselves or ask around.

You did, after all, imply that there are constraints for map generation in patch notes for us to see and engage our brains

so it is only your inaction to blame that 10s of thousands of players you mention don’t know this.
Feel free to correct this mistake but do not do it at the expense of those who worked to follow your vague hints and are now reaping some rewards (your apparent friendliness and care for fairness already sounds suspicious).