What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
The battle starts with the red opaque box and, once you make a move, it turns white and you can’t see anything behind it. It makes it difficult to play. While this has happened sporadically throughout the years, it happens frequently in the new PVP mode. A guildmate has also had this occur.
How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Steps to make it happen again
It will probably torture whoever has to track this down because you actually have to play your own game (specifically, PVP). There is no rhyme or reason why it happens.
Thusvhas been happening to me too since the new PVP came out. I would say it happens about every 10 PVP battles every day since. It disappears when you got to other screens, but as soon as you enter another battle it reappeasrs
I’ve had this white block on and off for ages. It’s the assets thing on my iPad I believe. Started when the assets went funny. I’ve not reinstalled the game since whenever it was. Occurred today first time since 7.3.
Last time I did I believe I ended up freaking around with some unskippable beginning tutorial despite clicking on the option not to.
It has picked up today. Almost every 5 battles or so the guild shield, red box, and white box appears in the middle of the screen in that order. The guild shield emblem appears on the main screen going into the loading screen at the start of the battle. Red square once the battle begins, and white square once I make the first move.