Same here (Switch platform). Missed taking a screenshot, but I suppose I+m not the only one missing out on the reward.
Не получена награда за первое место в топ-100 за прошлую неделю
Скрин не последний - какой есть
Код приглашения: TILTHAN_ZLOY9
Same thing happened to me again.
Invite code: ARAGORN_ME8F
This msg you get every time in all leagues if you don’t drop down or not in top 3. There’s no reward. Why they send this I don’t know.
For futher investigation:
Which league are you finishing in for the PVP League? (eg. Diamond)
Please provide your Invite Code
Any screencaptures of your placement would be greatly appreciated!
Invite code is above. I am in Diamond League and i dont have a screenshlt of where I placed
Лига Diamond Код приглашения и скрин выше
последний который есть выше в последний день скрин сделать не смог-воевал за место. На момент обновления дня находился в бою в режиме ПВП. Награду за первое место в группе 120 золотых звезд прислали-получена.
Second time no global rewards, so boring ! What a waste of time !
Plateforme : nintendo switch
Invite code : KASSKADOS_QQPJ
League : Topaz Leaugue
No pictures
Hi, can we get some new details on this?
Can’t say I enjoy having to think about the rewards I got shorted 3 months ago…
Still waiting on this, too. Any idea when rewards will be given to those who earned them?
@Kafka been over 4 months and it looks like you just sent out missing pvp rewards to someone in another thread. can you help everyone in this thread as well?
No reward from the last week
We are one year later after bug appear
Here my screenshot.
If i dont get my global rewards today ill never try for it again. Would be a burn me once cya never type sitch. Ill let u all know havent checked game yet PS
temporary solution
PVP Global Leaderboard Rewards Not Received – Gems of War Support (
As a potential workaround for the issue, if you do finish in the top 100, please try and wait at least 10 minutes after reset occurs to help prevent this issue
I still remember how guild wars started a few minutes after the reset. Here, too, it would be possible to create some delay of a few minutes, and not send out rewards immediately. Owls do not have time to deliver all the letters, and these several hundred rewards can get lost along the way
Well, I guess we just have to get those owls trained better by flight master Hedwig.