[Reported] Inappropriate Offers (Daily Deals)

Never get stuck at power level 23. It is cursed. :skull_and_crossbones:

The Ingot offers are not just an issue for those at max stars. Devs please don’t dismiss it as such.
I have 2 kingdoms needing weapons.
6 kingdoms needing class levels
and 12 that are pet blocked.
75% of all my offers are ingot based.

It’s as if the offers are rarity based with ingots given common rarity, they are pushed so hard.
I always took daily offers to be a ‘catchup’ mechanic, so while I have plenty of kingdoms to catchup on, I’m not spending my gems of Ingots.


I can finally buy some writs and deeds (?) maybe.

It helps to do the math.

1.) Writ Offer
150 writs for 200 gems. The only reasonable way to use them is for imperial deeds, requiring 1000 writs. That’s 1333 gems for an imperial deed, plus some extra stuff to craft it.

2.) Deed of Fire Offer
2 fire deeds for 225 gems. They are pretty common and only required up to kingdom upgrade level 15, regular players should already have more than they ever need. The only reasonable way to use them is to craft fire books, requiring 50 fire deeds. That’s 5625 gems for a fire book, plus some extra stuff to craft it. Good thing it’s already discounted 25%, right?

I guess you have to be really desperate to buy those offers. Or suck at math. :thinking:

Love your math :heart_eyes: As a token of my appreciation, I bless you with ingots

I disagree a little re writs. Yes in isolation, 1333 gems per ID is horrid, the cost/gem is out of kilter. We however get some each week in Epic Tasks, so adding 150 here and there for 200 gems, maybe less if in 3rd slot is something I always do now. They add up, and regaining the gems is achieved by tributes for me. Same with Arena, 60 or 120 writs adds up with tasks and offers, meaning sometimes you can convert an ID every 5 weeks.

We can’t get ID anywhere except AB or random offers/community week; and so turning down the writs now is something I no longer do.

If you are gem deficient, I can see why but really, there is nothing to spend gems on when you get to a certain point. - like with the offer issues we have.


:scream_cat: :scream_cat: :scream_cat:

uff thats the 4. one within 1 week.

time to upgrade it …

Mine is daily ingot. It’s like watching a horror movie every reset.

i feel ya oO.

Which still ends up in you paying 1333 gems plus crafting fees for a single imperial deed, you just spread out payments over a longer time. Looking at how many imperial deeds are required for higher kingdom upgrades it’s not sustainable, you’d have to collect tributes for decades. The cost has to go down significantly in the near future, possibly through new game modes once all delves have been released.

Yep it really does, either something does that, or the resource can be farmed or attained more easily.


You’ve made this a personal thread, Dayan. You go, girl!

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Hijacking someone else’s thread… :grin:

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A gift from the devs @Wow:hugs:


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@jpraveensn what can you say about this?


Absolutely. Ingots are never to be bought. Even if it comes at 90% discount.