What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Regardless of what description says, it attacks twice. Always. I suspected it connected with killed guys, but just now I played against boss and while Terra didn’t kill anyone, it was two attacks anyway. Not three.
How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
I noticed it some time ago, but usually in heavy fight where Terra charged only when some enemies are dead already. Well, now I tried it in a boss battle, where it’s easy to charge, and it’s always 2 attacks.
…And just after that report I got two battles in row where there were three attacks. %)
Then report is the same as in previous topic: Terra sometimes attacks trice, and sometimes twice. No idea what it depends on. Not on amount of enemies, definitely.
Immortal Raqiyah often hits only once or twice, not three times as advertised. It’s particularly egregious in her case since the premium PvP pass for season 2 was sold on the understanding the featured Immortal hits three times.
Every time I’ve failed to wipe the enemy team because of it, it’s hard not to feel cheated. Still not fixed coming up on 2 11 week seasons later.
this bug is a pain in the butt. I wish they’d fix it already.
one of the upcoming immortals is going to run into the same exact problem too barring a miracle.
The Deep King once had this same problem where killing on the first hit would prevent the second hit from coming out if the target was already dead. After quite awhile, they finally managed to fix it. Maybe they could use TDK coding and apply it here.
Yeah, this is a recurring issue with multihit Troops generally (usually in conjunction with Splash Damage), the multiple targets are chosen first then the attacks are performed without regard for whether a later attack targets a Troop killed by a previous attack. Druid, for example, had the same problem.
No, Mistralus is more complicated because she picks a random number of targets to begin with. Feel free to statistically analyze that for errors, but to do it correctly you should classify each cast by:
Number of enemies targeted
Number of enemies killed
Whether any “summon on death” traits are present (Drake Rider, etc).
Both of these measured relative to a full enemy team (4 troops) before casting.
Once you’ve accumulated a few hundred casts, THEN compare the spreads for the number of enemies hit with zero kills vs. the spreads for the number of enemies hit and at least one killed. If there develops a major discrepancy between the two THEN you can include it as “the same” bug.
If we assume that the # of hits has an even spread, there should be a 25% chance of landing four strikes (when all enemies survive), and if the targeting works correctly there should be the same 25% of landing four strikes when at least one enemy survives.
But I can assure you, it happens quite often for me. Moreover, it doesn’t connected with killed troops. My first report came just of that: I would accept “troop killed, attack ended” sequence, as I seen it many times with the different troops. But, as I said, when I noticed it, I tried it in boss encounter, and slowed down speed to 1.0 to be sure I didn’t miss the third hit. It didn’t kill anyone (it hadn’t a chance at this stage), but it was two attacks anyway. I tried it afterwards with the different amount of troops on field and the different chosen gems (who knows?), and wasn’t able to get coherent results. Sometimes it’s two attacks, sometimes three, and I cannot find the pattern.
Wait, looking on gifs above, I just imagined the reason.
What if targets selected randomly, but Terra attacks each troop only once? Then it will be only one attack for one troop, and most probably only two attacks on two troops. But if there are 3 or 4 troops on a field, it will be full three attacks… except the cases when Terra selected (randomly) the same troop twice, but didn’t attack it the second time.