[Reported] Gold mark bonus for citadel victory doesn't work

Your all lying

XD still not active XD

Are you in purple alliance?

If your question was aimed at me. Yes i am and have already collected my gold marks. The post was just jokey really, to highlight the fact the devs havent changed the status of the fix. But i guess it wasnt that funny if ive got to explain it :crazy_face:


thank you for the update. When we saw the point total in Saturdayā€™s battle with central spire, we recognized there are enough players in the other alliances to team up on 1 specific citadel and claim it while the bigger guild will be spread evenly.

Thank you Dark Order!! Got all my Gold Marks Bonuses from yesterdayā€™s 3 conquered citadels.

Can confirm it is working now.


I confirm 3x 50 gold marks today if you in Dark Order alliancešŸ¤©


Citadel points appear not to be counting in Maraji Expense. I got 7 points there, still says 0 for all alliances on Xbox.

Itā€™s a cunning plan stop DO world domination but I bet it breaks something else as itā€™s likely not set up for ties on rollover.

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Itā€™s been long enough to figure out compensation. Where is it???


Still waiting.

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Hi donā€™t have bonus today :thinking:

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I donā€™t have mine either. I did the citadel wars battles yesterday, Iā€™m in the winning alliance, yet the bonus is simply not there. No number of game restarts, playing battles in other bonus regions to trigger map refresh - nothing is working. The more Iā€™m looking for the GM bonus, Winnie-the-Pooh style, the more it isnā€™t there. Itā€™s the second time this has happened throughout the last couple of weeks.

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I donā€™t have the two gold mark bonuses for today, and I did the citadel battles yesterday. PS4.

@Kafka Sorry for the ping, just a new issue that might be overlooked in an old bug report thread.

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