What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
In Dungeon I used Despond that summons Abject of Despond, but instead of summoning troop to my team It summoned it to enemy team.
How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
It happend just once. But I didnt play this team often this evening.
To get this down correctly, Abject of Despond got placed on a screen location in the enemy team, it was still under your control, right? Troop art and frame are rendered as if belonging to your team, so this is likely a visual bug, not a battle logic bug.
Unfortunately this is still happening. I did a monolith battle and summoned a divine troop on the enemy’s side with the Fist of Heaven weapon. Interestingly, after I did skull damage with the new troop, it switched back to my side! Hadn’t seen that happen before!
Just happened to me as well! Flaming Oni summoned a goblin “on top of” the enemy gloom leaf. On skull matches it quickly moved to my side and then back to the enemy side. Stayed there until the end of the battle:
So it sounds like this might be just a visual issue then? Notice how the orientation of the troop’s spell art is consistent with troops on YOUR side, not the enemy’s. (Do you have a screenshot of this when the Troop has less than full Mana?)