[Reported] Delve potions missing from Faction Assault

Since it is likely a bug, can we have The event extended for 1 extra day, or repeat Fang Moor next week so folks that have wait a long time for this delve can do it?


I’m also pretty sure they don’t get paid by the hour, so good luck finding someone actually willing to volunteer doing that work on their free time. I guess the real issue is that events get released when their business day ends, so anything that comes up tends to take quite a while to get addressed.

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To be honest, I doubt that it is a bug. I think it is a new feature but lets wait and see :smiley:

I’m actually tempted to do a gamble and buy a few shop tiers, push Fang Moor’s progress a little bit and then get all my spent gems refunded by tomorrow. Wouldn’t be the first time to get some free faction progress lol

Be careful… If it is a new feature then the devs will give out 50 gems for not letting us know in patch note so there will be no refunds :smiley:

Why are they never at work when shit happens? You’d think there is at least one fellow ready on call.
It isn’t exactly a mom-and-pop operation.



Please respond to this issue quickly many people are spending 1000s of gems for nothing this is a big deal


Same on Xbox….

@Jeto @Kafka @OminousGMan

If you can fix potions, please extend the event to run one more day. (Don’t know why it doesn’t run 2 days at least anyway, pet rescue takes about 5 minutes.)

Otherwise refund gems because people spend thousands to be able to finish pure faction runs.

Only in the US, in other parts of the world we do not work if it is not in our contract to have to be on standby.

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It is weird…
I mean if it is a bug, where and how did it get into the code?
Last FA was fine!

And yeah, potions are really missing from shop!
Wish I had noticed earlier, then I wouldn’t have spend my gems on this

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They could hire people that work at different times-not sure that would do any good in this case.

Moving the reset time to their working hours would honestly be the best thing they could do.

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My guess is that it is Campaign related, given that it was fine last week.

I assume this is a bug!

And I will say: a usual 50 gems compensations will not be enough!

Most of us spend way more before realizing the potions where missing!

I would suggest a much higher gem compensation AND run Fang Moor as a weekend delve!

This really sucks and really hurts!

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Ahh, yes that could be it!
It is first week of new campaign!

Same problem IOS… I have been sitting at faction renown 2300 needing the potions from this event to finish pf500 Fang Moor. Please resolve AND either extend the time for this event or run it again soon! I should not have to wait an entire cycle to be able to finish this delve, having already been waiting for this faction assault to appear.

Just drop 1M gold on hoard level and you catch up and can try as many times as you need.

Thats not a solution.

Reverse analysis is always the fun part. This one seems to be a pretty huge puzzle.

First of all, the event shop is configuration based, and it happens server side. The text for each shop tier resides on client side (which allows for translations). Quite interestingly, potions don’t seem to be mentioned in any of the shop tiers, just the perks, and this doesn’t seem to have changed in the past.

It gets even more curious, there’s a Game Guide for Faction Assault. It doesn’t say anything about potions, the shop screenshot doesn’t display any.


The page doesn’t seem to have been changed the past years, the Wayback Machine basically shows the same page from two years ago.

Wild guess. There have been several bug reports as part of the All-Seeing Eye Deep Delve weekend. Somebody may possibly have gone over the faction shop configuration looking for further mistakes and figured that potions ended up in there by accident, since they aren’t mentioned anywhere.

Edit: Even wilder guess, didn’t potions get added some time after factions originally launched several years ago? Maybe the very first shop configuration (prior to potions) somehow got set live again. That would also explain the Game Guide screenshots.


Delves were released in Patch 4.0 - September 2018
Potions were released (in all event shops) in Patch 4.3 - April 2019

Here’s a screenshot of the shop with potions in case anyone wants a comparison, pulled off a youtube video in August 2020.

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