Remove or change certain troops Ubastet. Infernus, Divine Isbaala

Yes it’s not even in the Guild or not, the fact is that with the Infernus and ibaloi and Ubastet, not all troops cope

People have told you how to beat the team you’re struggling against. If you don’t want to get a guild and get more resources to fill the missing holes in your deck to be able to compete, go play explore.

the same team as it is not very play, I want to convey to you that the fight against these 3 troops is not a game but survival and tediousness

And plenty of people suggested ways to beat it. Worth searching other need threads with troop suggestions. I’m bored suggesting ways to dismantle this team (hint: entangle, mana drain, attack reduction etc). Time to muted another one.

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I say that in pvp of the 3 cells in all 3 is the Infernus with ishbalan, where is the diversity? one discouraged and tediousness that is constantly or survive or even walk away from the game

before waiting for the update to dilute this boredom with something new, and right now these bars, these troops which through time win, the Developers kill the game, do not you see?

These troops (or the combo of them) aren’t unbeatable but are incredibly strong - and are now too prevalent in pvp… some balance tweaks are surely due. Not that the devs will rush to do it.

We didn’t need another thread on this, though.

Plenty of people here have told you what to do. You don’t want to hear it, because you’re convinced the only way to fix this is to change the troops. Nope. YOU have to change your way of thinking. Get in a good guild. Play casual pvp or arena until your levels increase. Level up your troops. Go Soul and traitstone farming. There 50 bazillion ways to play this game now; pvp is not the only possibility.


Request to remove or change certain troops Ubastet. Infernus, Divi…
t is very difficult and boring to play in pvp only when these troops to play against them maybe but the chances of winning are reduced if they are in the team especially Divine Isbaala, she has 3 skill 50% mana of the deity (all deities mitici), change them, don’t think I…

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I have played almost three years. there has lways been metas like this. they come and go.

you have to invest the time and play to win.

you know what time that is just not, I have people from the Guild just because they got tired of this, and how much do you wait?

right now, after the appearance of Suna so do all bad things have become, again, made a deity, right now, the troops in the arena, Divine shield, Infernus , Suna and Ishbaal or Ubastet and Suna campaign is that the players retired from the game

The answer is not to nerf more troops. The answer is there needs to be like 5 defense slots put into place. In those slots you can not use the same team or use the same troops. You would then play one of the five chosen at random.

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If they nerf them the next optimized team will arise and will be auto include. Instead of nerf them, they should make more counters

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in any case, with them something to do, they greatly dulled the game

All you have to do is dream

whatever you’re told and never argued, I can still achieve that Ishbaal removed

Lol good luck with that seriously

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thanks, I think I’m not one think so, and I can find supporters to help cover this Ishbaal

This conversation could be a lot more interesting if you actually gave some examples or your winning ways (even using strategies or spells if you don’t want to share specific teams.) It’s not unbeatable at every level, but the troops you need to routinely beat it are unlikely to be readily available unless you’re VIP or level 1000+ and you just come off as condescending with “find something that does work.”

I love a good challenge creating or modifying teams to beat specific strategies, and have always done so against each inevitable meta evolution, but this one is particularly unbalanced with Ishbala and significantly slows the progress of less resourced players trying to advance. I’ll happily play - and even lose to - any team that uses one or more of those troops in a novel way, but the proliferation of the Divine/Infernus/Ubastet/Ishbala teams significantly frustrates the leveling process and gold intake of mid-level players and their ability to contribute to guilds. If that’s the developer’s intent, you’re right - only “creative” people will keep at it - many will lose interest and drift away from the game because at a certain point PVP gold resources drive the ability to continue to advance in other areas of the game. The predictable early cries to nerf tough troops are no reason for developers to consider doing so, but sustained ones should be a sign to perhaps introduce a more readily available troop that allows mid level players the chance as they’ve done before (Dragon Cruncher, etc.) I’ve even used good old nerfed Manticore to slow things down and other low mana troops that use high attack or mana requirements against enemies, but “getting creative” alone isn’t much of an enjoyable answer when all three of your PVP options are consistently meta.