Recent Game Issues

I thought I was never going to write this on this forum but there it goes: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


Thanks @Eika This thread definitely warranted a response of gratitude.

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thank you @Nimhain :heart:

Thinking a bit outside the box, would it be possible to set the individual sentinels for the next Guild Wars to the same level they were upgraded to the last Guild Wars?


Thanks very much for this update - it’s appreciated and thorough

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@Nimhain I don’t know whether it’s an issue, but - why Void Wisp from the Umbral Nexus is Brown/Purple? The Umbral Nexus banner is “+2 Purple, +1 Yellow, -1 Brown”, and no Brown troops must be there (as we could see in all other factions: no Yellow troops in the City of Thieves, no Green troops in Illithia, no Red troops in the Deep Hive etc.). Possibly it happened because the old Umbral Nexus banner was “+2 Purple, +1 Yellow, -1 Green”, and it could explain why there were no Green troops in Umbral Nexus. But if you changed the banner, then all faction troops had to conform, had not they? I expected Void Wisp to be Green/Purple after the banner update.


Unless you’re in the top 3 in br1, rewards suck for guild wars. I wish the devs would tell us if they have any plans to revamp it.

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It would be nice to see Wednesday’s pet rescue moved so that we can start pet rescues on that Vault day.


Really appreciate your post. Thank you

Totally satisfied with the gnome weekend and Adventure Board to make up for the missing War, especially because as Fleg says

(Though I’d quibble with the percent — personally, I don’t think anyone outside Bracket 1 should ever spend gems on Sentinels [I never did] because it’s impossible to make them back, and the card copies are a profit to most players [for as long as it saves them ascension orbs], so the only people that would lose if they played the way I do is positions 4-10 in Bracket 1 [which I agree sucks, since the buy-in is necessary for parity, and the lack of buying for people who don’t think they’ll be king of the hill just entrenches the incumbents unfairly])

I’ve always been an advocate for making Guild Wars work better for all brackets in various ways, including buffing rewards even if at the expense of the #1 jackpot :man_shrugging:

whereas gnome weekends and special Adventure Boards are fun for everyone :+1:


This @Nimhain


It’s Poppy who will be happy … And me too :slight_smile: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Since pet rescues are possibly the best part of Vault weekdays. Please consider extending it to Friday and make it 4 days. That way folks still have have 72 hours to trigger pet rescues.

I know that there’s another weekend vault on the schedule. But considering it’s over the weekend of Christmas. I think you agree it’s better for your players to spend that time with family and friends than playing Gems of War.


Sounds like B1 entitlement.
As someone who isn’t in B1, GW feels like an unenjoyable complete & utter waste of time, since the rewards are some of the worst possible in the game (including Arena).


Thank you for the gnome event and all the communication l it is very much appreciated.

EDIT to erase my post that didn’t add anything to the discussion (since I can’t just delete it)

Even if the pet rescue doesn’t get moved (even though that would be awesome), I’m still very happy - as are my mates. :+1:t2:

Moving the pet rescue (to Saturday?) would be the icing on the cake. :slightly_smiling_face:


ty, for giving us something to do during gw week, i and others in the b4 and above would rather see a gw but with the bugs scoring would a downfall for so many b/c of the bugs. I know a lot of players would rather fight in a fair gw. Battling an unfair gw is a lousy way to push up to a higher bracket when you know that our opponents might have lost a lot of points and ended in a lower bracket b/c of this bug. Its hard to get to b1 or even stay in that bracket. And unfair loss of points comes at a steep price. So stopping these gw this mth needed to be done so we can have an unbug gw next time and gw down the road.

Thank you so much @Nimhain! Vault events are my favorite. I would gladly take them over Guild Wars any time.


This is awesome, thanks!. I am one that is on the fence with GW but mostly don’t like it because I feel like I should go 5-0 for 5 days, then it’s going great, but against power teams on repeat to get looped to death just kills it each week at some point.

To those saying thanks, but if you could move pet day (or some other extra tweak) I think they’ve already done something great. Hunt pet gnomes on Tue/Thu and get extra GAPs on Wednesday, don’t ask for more every time they give something. What we really need is the ability to hunt pet gnomes every day, even Wednesday and Saturday all day pet days.