Ranking of Legendaries! Pre-1.0.9 necro'ed

I’m honestly not sure how I’d rank things at the moment because there are a few I simply haven’t seen recently, and a few more I’ve only seen once or twice. I got about halfway through a new tier list around a month ago and the damn forum screwed me so I lost it and gave up.

Needless to say, Gorgotha and Celestasia are the top tier. Sheggra, Bone Dragon and Keeper are probably around the same level at the moment … wherever that is. Jarl, IK, Moloch, Maw, and Bat are all also fairly dangerous.

I don’t have seen enough legendaries in action yet to make a real list, but so far i don’t think too much has changed from the lists most seemed to be in general agreement about:

Celestasia and Gorgotha definitely went up the tier ladder, as did Jarl. Crimson Bat and Moloch jumped up on the list as well.
Gloom Leaf clearly dropped on the list by losing stoneskin, which used to complement his whole tank concept. Behemoth seems to tread still while a lot of others just passed him with the general increase in spell damage.

The Skull Club got a new member with Infernal King, and i think they are all pretty close now and high up on the list, though by no means a god tier of their own anymore. Celestasia probably switched positions with Gloom leaf as the one supreme tank high up the list(though the recent nerf may have changed that, i honestly can’t say).
Great Maw is definitely strong, mine isn’t traited yet so i can’t judge how strong exactely he is :confused:

Anyways as i said i haven’t seen all of the legendaries in action yet, so there might be all kinds of movement on the tier list i am not aware of.

This makes me want a search feater for troop role. (role examples are tank, aoe, true shot, support, sniper, healer)
Then compare who is the best at their specific role.

Replace skeleton with Gorgotha fully traited and you have a better team IMO. Also I like the spider more then the slime but that is a personal preference.

Gorgotha not only fills mana but he clears the board. This gives you more opportunities to get chains for the rest and out of dead boards (e.g. No purples or greens left)

Thanks, but this was before 1.0.9 Gorgotha didnt had his nice 3rd trait yet and skeleton was gaining very nice attack. :slight_smile:

Pff that doesn’t mean I cannot arrogantly expose my opinion without reading dates or anything else at all


I was going for espouse but autocorrect struck and turned it dirty…

shit happens. :slight_smile:

Holy crap! Bone Dragon is that good?? He is the only legendary that I have (I’m a noob), and I thought he was just ok. He needs a lot of mana, and he is just creating skulls, right? I haven’t actually used him in my team because I didn’t think he was that great from the description. Don’t the skulls he creates give the opponent an advantage sometimes? He doesn’t get an extra turn or anything. Sorry if these questions are dumb, I have only been playing this for a few weeks.

Hey, not any dumb questions here, mate. He is still good. They nerfed his skill recently in the 1.0.9 update, to generate 1:3 instead of 1:2 skulls from the armor the enemy you attack has. He only gives an extra turn if he gets 4 skull matches, or 4 other gems is matching after he get some 3 skull matches. I use him only at Warlord difficulty because enemies has 25% better skills overall, the rising in enemies armor might come in handy for Bone Dragon, and increases the chances for an extra turn when you are using his skill.


Piling on. As @Eika said, he’s really good in the early phase of a match when your target has high armor (I’d say 18 or higher) because he:

  1. Strips all the target’s armor away; and
  2. Creates a high possibility of 4+ skulls to match.

Later in a match, he diminishes in usefulness, and it becomes much more of a gamble to use him.

It’s worth mentioning that his third trait helps limit the impact of a misfire, but only if he’s in your attacking slot.


And much like the Shadow Cat, he can be played as a sacrificial leader. Get it some hits drop a lot of damage early and then make way to have the black purple mana go elsewhere.

I have a lotta love for the Shadow Cat.

If shadow cat is the cat i am thinking about then when it was an event troop i lost my mind trying to gather all the glory to get it then made it a main part of my team. i even thought early game as well as late it was better than bone dragon.