Raid boss (Zaejin)

What boss level you are at Ricky?

GrapplePot is so useless for me.

Im at lvl 225 i think

Hmmm I don’t know what to say then because I Switched from your team to one similar to Awryan since level 200. I am at 245 now

I lost three times so far.

I kill the boss every single time and I won 2 game with a couple of turns with Fizzbang and Hellcackle being the only troops remaining.

It isn’t too bad until lv 425 with Bone Naga, Bone Naga, Bone Daemon, Zuul’Goth.
lv 435 can get screwy too with Bone Naga, Bone Dragon, Grave Knight, Zuul’Goth.

However, I’m not staying in the lv 200 range to farm points if I can handle the mid-upper 400s consistently.

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I am in the lv 200 cause i hate the gnome and this event is boring so im just doing the minimum req to help my team.

If we had no req i still would be at lv 5 lol

This is kind of the tricky circular logic of raids/invasions.

Since the guild gets rewards from them, participation’s required in a lot of guilds. Meanwhile, the devs point to “high participation numbers” as a sign of player approval if people complain they aren’t popular.

It’s genius, really.


Kudos to @awryan for your team; it’s helpful so thank you for making the grind less irritating :wink:

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We always complete them but it’s not my favorite events. GW use to be my favorite but last week i didin’t enjoy it, there was too many bugs and ruined the fun

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That level 250 boss is a pain in the ass!!!

That Bone Dragon cast is constant Wipro ng my whole team.

I lost so many fights with one opponent troop remaining below 100 HP…

Flrshripper was good until that fight… Now Mang has to come back due to stupid bone Dragon…

It’s something to have the board flood with skulls but why their armor gained is so ridiculous at 60+… Same for Skeleton it creates a ton of skull but also gains a ton of armor…

One game, I had my whole team alive and then Bone Dragon casted… And boom all my 4 troops with over 150 armor+life stats died…

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