1. A Point To Races - Right now its just a cosmetic, this NEEDS expansion! Maybe +1 and -1 to certain Masteries? Less mana cost with less attack dealt or reversed, More armor with less life or reversed, and maybe a trait depending on chosen race. Eventually, and sometimes rather sooner than later, the “Hero” will get swapped out for better troop cards, making him/her a rarely used card. The premium armor should stay as is, but the races for the Hero needs a point to choosing because ultimately, we’re not gonna care about what we look like if our hero is not really useful.
2. Kingdom Comparison - Where it shows what this kingdom gives you IF you set it as Home, there needs to be a comparison when making your choice. If it gives more of something than the current, color the numbers green with a +, if it gives less of something than the current, color the numbers red with -. This will make choosing a Home Kingdom a LOT less annoying & tedious.
3. Tribute Countdown by Kingdom - Add a countdown to each Kingdom in the Tribute section of the Kingdom, this way we will know WHEN we can expect a tribute from each Kingdom.
4. Troop Lists By Kingdom has Stars - When going to Troop Lists and sorting by the Kingdom they are from, the List should have a star under or beside the Icon for that kingdom. This way when we’re trying to increase the bonuses, we don’t have to leave the Troop window to check the map & see if we got that extra star.
5. PVP Expanded Ranks & Match System - Instead 15 being the lowest, it should be at LEAST 30, and the Match System should ACTUALLY match the players by RANK (not Rank 1 vs Rank 15 or Rank 10 vs Rank 3 - It should be of SAME rank with stars included). Plus when we have 5 days to reach rank 1 an there’s only 15 ranks total, it makes our PVPing pretty short, especially if we’re able to get from the lowest to the highest in just a few hours or less.
There needs to be a Tier system added to ranks as well. 3 to 5 Tiers, lowest tier has the most ranks and highest tier has the least, but each tier from lowest to highest should have more star requirements to achieve higher ranks. PVPing should NOT be easy, it SHOULD be challenging, especially considering the rewards. And there should be Top Seat rank as well that can be lost more easily than all the other ranks (Someone attacks & wins, you revenge & lose, you lose the seat & you are replaced by the one you were beaten by).
6. Trading Trait stones & Selling Weapons - The trading bit should be equal to the stone being exchanged (Should NEVER allow the trading of a Minor stone for a Greater stone). Basically trades should be done via guild members since right now there’s no real way to contact other players other than through guilds. Basically it would help to be able to trade off a stone you don’t need for a stone you do need for a specific card.
Also inevitably we’re going to have far better weapons and the ones we have but don’t intend to ever use (unless we want to hurt our chances of winning a battle) and it would be nice to be able to sell the weapons we don’t need for souls, gold, glory, gems (if premium), souls, and/or keys. Or else heck, make so we can exchange a weapon for a Mastery. Of course it would be permanent with no way of getting the weapon back, but just add that little warning. And in my personal opinion, Weapons should NEVER be traded or sold to other players (they’re gonna get most of the weapons anyways).
7. Use Souls/Stones to Change a Card’s Traits - There’s some cards that we’ll come across that we REALLY like, but don’t much like their traits. With this option we could use Souls or Stones to change the trait for that card, BUT it would be randomized (unable to choose exactly what trait), and whatever we used to make the change will be used AND whatever trait is given will replace the current one (no undoing). The Risk vs Reward would be pretty high cause say you have a card that gets extra souls, you change it an could possibly get a random skill modifier for allies/enemies, or you could get something better. This would make PVP battles a lot more challenging and some of the previous benefits for PVE would be different than the enemies. If using Souls, the cost should be 150 for the 1st trait, 300 for the 2nd, and 500 for the 3rd. If using stones, 10 Majors for 1st, 5 Runics for 2nd, and 3 Arcanes for 3rd.
Thats all I got for now