PvP team are not stored

Platform, device version and operating system:

Windows 10, PC Steam

The PvP teams are lost, I created a team for purple and this week it is gone. It is frustrating to fix the PvP teams every Monday.
Just store them locally if you can’t store them in your database.


Hello :slight_smile:

For what region specifically did your PVP team not get stored?

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All of them. To the best of my knowledge each regions teams reset every week. It’s always been that way.

Which is one of the reasons most don’t mess with PvP. If you only have a few minutes to play Gems of War. You’re not going to spend half of it rebuilding a team just to play PVP.



Please note that this is not a bug as PvP teams will get reset if the restrictions change, and the team doesn’t meet the restriction criteria.

However, I will pass on your feedback to the development team for further consideration!

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Didn’t Kafka already do that several months ago, as one of several items?

I don’t think we ever heard anything back. Any chance our feedback might somehow end up with the PQ3 development team instead of the GoW development team, given the lack of response?


PVP Changes - #70 by Kafka looks like the relevant post

if this is complicated or time consuming logic, only god can help you

read/write from/to file/REST/…

“blue”: “[1426,7446,7446,6594,3011,3,3,2,3,3,1,1,14035]”,


But I get it, when you are stuck in JIRA and agile hell with 10 meetings and 0 progress :frowning:

The issue rather seems to be communication. The devs don’t visit the forum, they rely on the Customer Experience Team forwarding them anything deemed important. Something in that process hasn’t been working out for years now. Maybe our feedback is never deemed important enough to forward, maybe it gets sent to a dead mailbox, maybe it gets misunderstood and mangled beyond recognition, maybe the devs just don’t care. In any case, the result is that just about any feedback we provide is an entirely wasted effort.


This is an easy workaround to keep your teams for future use and build a database of your teams

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That might work on PC and Mobile, but is a little complicated on Consoles, since they don’t have access to an email account (or a web browser). :worried:


This is a bug, because the half backed features is what drives the game in the ground.

dude, just remember the numbers and then type them in …

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Hey all, I’m bumping this request again. I hear ya


Good to hear your roar again lioness :lion: :heart: :muscle:

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The latest news is that this probably can’t make it into the next update v8.0, but maybe a temporary solution. I am on the case :man_detective:


still no progress on this …

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After 10.5 months the issue is still untouched!!!

@Kafka - could you please ask so called developers for an answer?

It’s been so long that even Kafka has left the team…

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Ok - who is now in that position?

Actually, I don’t care much who is who.

I want to see any improvement regarding that issue.


Anyone else ready to celebrate the 1st birthday of this bug?