PvP season feed back

My point is exactly that - why waste so much money on a game when there are much better more advanced games available now on mobile no less due to Steam Link, with NO RNG lootboxes and in-app purchases. So for an old broken game they are really ripping off players with cost here.

My Gem Dragon RNG was terrible and Stellarix cost me a fortune. I still had no Diamantina when Stellarix came out so had no stash of Dragonite, due to the RNG nonsense. Seeing as I could not compete in PVP without Stellarix or even do the daily tasks at the same speed as other players, I spent a ton on buying Dragonite. Now realizing I could have purchased what - at least 6 other amazing high quality games instead.

Do not tell me what I can and cannot compare. I am not a game reviewer writing for a blog. I am a customer and I can compare where I want to spend my money and time.

Their increase in RNG troop nonsense and PTW PVP etc. has killed this game, and they have their new set of dragons already on the way.

If they want to salvage this game at all they need to change their policies or they will have practically no players left.

You asked, I answered.


ā€œI didnt tell you what you can and cantā€ just asked what the point of your post was, and now i can see your just a bit salty on RNG. And it was a weak comparison. From a bitter gamerā€¦

I ask myself why i play this a lot. I have red dead 2, cyberpunk, far cry and may others in the back log, a ps5 pretty much untouched yet i spend hours playing this like a sad prick. I must be mental

I never knew that the Steam Link worked so well - and that the onscreen controls for mobile are so goodā€¦my eyes have been opened. I get that this game is an easy and relaxing one for old retired people though.

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So, the season is over and a new one starts Monday.


  • Season pass needs to be same price as campaign pass.
  • Season mythic costing 2500 gold marks is comedy, change to silver marks or greatly reduce the price.
  • Some of the season goals are too demanding, even for daily players the guardian boss fights path only allows 5 missed days, this isnā€™t a job, please stop treating it like one.
  • Immortal pets and weapons, other ways to level these would be nice, waiting until 2027 for a chance for these to be level 10 is not wnat people want to see.
  • Alliance ranks being wiped out absolutely sucks and just destroys any motivation for me to play the next season.
  • Alliance chat restrictions, why are they necessary?
  • VP requirements of 800k got General, how many people are actually achieving this?
  • VP acquisition as a level 2000+ still sucks.
  • Silver marks have no business being in burning chests. Itā€™s like opening a VIP chest and only getting 2000 gold and nothing else.

Iā€™m sure thereā€™s other stuff I am forgetting.


Season goals were a chore but doable, except for Praefect, but you have to have something for hardcore players too. And Overlord for those who support the game financially.
Change the mythic requirement to 10000 silver marks.
Finally, get rid if the 50 silver marks in burning chests.

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Then do it now so I can claim my copy. Thanks.

If Journey is any indication, they wonā€™t change jack until they have 3-5 seasons worth of data.


Feedback Good, Interesting, Bad, and WTF

I wasnā€™t much of a PVP player before. Once I obtained enough glory to sustain my weekly new troop purchase, I stopped playing other than when it was required because of Campaign or Exalted Path.

So I was willing to give the new PVP a chance and see how well I could do.

1: I like some of the new ideas but I donā€™t have 4 hours a shot to utilize them unless itā€™s on the weekend.
For example Buffs (GOOD IDEA / Bad implementation) - I would love to be able to use these daily, but I canā€™t because there is no way to stop the timer and I donā€™t have 4 hours to sit on line to do the game.
3 PVP Leagues - with a required promotion if youā€™re in the top 3.
Nice Idea for leagues, but the Diamond league is out of my league. Iā€™m still working on getting my classes up to level 70 to even have decent enough teams to survive most of the battles.
But hereā€™s where the issue is - while I can play in Ruby league, I canā€™t work to the PVP goals because I end up in top 3 and back up into Diamond League I go and end up being demoted because I canā€™t compete.
Iā€™ve gotten to now I am not playing out for my PVP rewards, just keeping myself in the Ruby league., Now add that to Season and I am stuck with inability to get unlocks on at least 7 of the 9

So I go ahead and buy a Season Pass and find out that you still have to play to get the rest of the items. (My WTF moment)
So once again - TIMEā€¦ is the problem here.

And I am not even going to start on the ā€˜Allianceā€™ stuff because I canā€™t even participate in the Chat to ask any questions

Hereā€™s some things I would like changed or at least thought about for time

  • Saving teams - Makes a lot easier to play
  • Be able to have OFFENSE and DEFENSE Teams
  • Ability to Pause Buffs
  • Burning Chests - Remove the Silver Marks from Chests
  • Have Citadel battles on Saturday and Sunday - especially for weekend players
  • Move voting to some other method

Just thinking about doing 5 pvp seasons ofā€¦whatever the hell this is sounds absolutely terrible. ā€œWhat do you guys mean? Isnā€™t this fun?ā€

Ummm, Earth to developers. Pvp is not fun. Itā€™s time consuming and unrewarding. What more do we have to say to make this clear?

I should just uninstall the game now and save myself the misery.


Getting the seasonal immortal to level 14 isnā€™t possible at all unless you pay or are extremely lucky. Which is bad game design as well.
For a good game being able to finish challenges when playing every day it should be at the least 2 weeks before a season ends is normal. Not that if you cannot play for a week or have other setbacks from time to time itā€™s impossible to catch up.

Very bad game design and the silence of the devs is even more infuriating. Especially when people like @Kafka make a post begging for positivity as thereā€™s to much negativity on the forums. They really need to learn to communicate and fix things if they donā€™t want people making negative posts this much.
Youā€™ll always have complainers but plenty of people have mentioned doable fixes for problems that are just ignored. So the negativity continues and thatā€™s something only the devs can change or just pull the plug out of the game.


Iā€™d really like see them make PvP defensive wins give worth while Victory Points , it ā€œcouldā€ make people think more about what they are using in attack and make for more varying / challenging battles.

kinda doesnt matter if people are going to use GAPs anyways lol

Dude. You make a lot of good points. Iā€™m not sure if you meant this to be offensive, but it is.


I didnā€™t finish alliance rank task last time (way too much PvP playing) and wonā€™t finish it this season either.
I didnā€™t finish immortal upgrading task last season and wonā€™t finish it this season either - I donā€™t have a truckload of money to just throw in the wind, so you can keep that immortal soul rewards (kind of useless when you receive it, by the way; if only for breaking down into whatever it turns at a poor rate).

Other tasks were somewhat okay; however this season, I reckon, Iā€™ll play quite less, going for minimum to achieve goals (involving some personal ones, season unrelated).

Free season pass is - just like it looked from the get go - meh, containing mostly junk; paid pass is totally out of the question.

The chests Iā€™ve opened so far (last season and a couple from the current season)
About 40% of them is pure crap. Gold marks I can take, but anything belowā€¦put it someplace dark where the sun donā€™t shine. Why, pray tell me, would I want to pay any kind of money to open more of them?

And Iā€™m not even really upset about crap (and getting more of the same kind) upgrading of immortals - meh, whatever. Iā€™ve used Glaycia in PvP moderately much, the undead one for Journey, the mech one for minimum required PvP to get alliance gold marks. Others - sorry, donā€™t care, not even tempted to try them out, so at this point of the game what happens with them doesnā€™t bother me at all.


Whats most insulting is the utter silence by @Kafka and crew on it. Even having the audacity to ask for positive feedback. You are KILLING this game.


Habian dicho que bajarian la cantidad de vp necesario para llegar a gran general y sigue siendo 800.000 ā€¦ se piensan que no nos damos cuenta que quieren mantener un nivel de juego

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Is it possible to make ā€œLeave Allianceā€ not be the cursor default when opening the Alliance window. I am terrified of losing my ranking by accidentally hitting X ā€¦same as changing Home Kingdom during Vault Events.

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just bumping the thread for dev and cx attention

Good luck with that. Even with all the feedback given BEFORE new season started the only big chances are that for some reason they added a silver mark mythic cause that solves the silver mark problem apparently :roll_eyes: and it seems that progress for the seasonal challenges is saved for next step. That second one is nice to be honest.
However alot of the bigger problems people mentioned were completly ignored with no further communication.

Guess itā€™s more important to look into the Luck scroll for the Tower of Doom event that 1 person made a post about then real issues in the game, am i right @Bramble ?