PvP season feed back

“too Hard” and “too time intensive” are not the same complaint.

Nothing about the current pvp is hard. What it is, is a rather significant time sink. If the goal is maximum engagement with the mode (likely) it has to be balanced so it’s worth doing for most folks. Of course, it also has to be balanced for those people who do nothing else but play GoW 24/7.

In order to get maximum engagement. Doing the bare minimum of pvp and ignoring the rest, has to be a significantly less rewarding plan than doing, say, 25 times the bare minimum. Doing next to nothing also has to be overwhelmingly less rewarding than grinding pvp for hours a day. Right now that reward curve is out of whack. It has absolutely nothing to do with difficulty.


I hear ya. It all depends on what a player wants to get out of it. If they want “everything” it should require a significant time sink and/or real money spend. When it comes to “hardcore PvP” rewards (Looking at you Vanguard III & Great General :eyes: ) there’s not much of a gap between upper-middle casual & completionist.

TLDR; don’t fret over some IG souls (that don’t even level her up at a certain point) and 5 measly Gold Marks per day. Play your game. Don’t let the game play you. (Looking at me :eyes:)


Thank goodness I am now playing other games and realized how terribly wrong this kind of reasoning is. I am VIP 20 so paid my dues, but for a fraction of that amount you can play an amazing game with no in-app purchases, one that requires actual skill and not mindless endless clicking. Honestly now that I see what other games offer their players I feel sick thinking how much money people spend here…it is a pure money grab. There is a good reason why some games have 1 million active players and this one has 5000. You should not have to spend money all the time to get good troops, or grind yourself to death 24 hrs x 7 just to get a few things. And do not deny it, I know there are players forking out money for books.

By “hardcore” what you mean is watching TV while mindlessly clicking the same buttons over and over…and then paying to be able to do more of it.


VIP 20 talks about how bad their choice was


Jk I love y’all Krakens - even the ones that have “no regerts” cuz you’re the reason we still have servers! I’m about to be VIP 8 and while I’ll prolly never catch up to ya I got mad respect!!! Although I don’t consider any spend in this game “paying dues” as it’s just purchasing something for entertainment purposes only.


If I already have BINGO can I still get 4 Corners? I almost have it with compare GoW to games that aren’t comparable

I started playing this as a mobile game on a phone…did not have a lot of options back then, now I have a tablet with a Steam Link…can play better games. I do not play on PC as I work on a PC, so get tired of it. GOW used to be a good mobile option, but has sunk down to the same levels as other mobile games, especially with increasing RNG loot box troops.


Like I said I appreciate you - you came before us and spent on a game “worth spending on” and I’m sorry you feel it’s no longer worth the spend. You (and all OGs) deserve to have the rewards of VIP20 and beyond for paving the way. I have had more opportunities to spend on this game in the 18 months I’ve been playing but I’m still happy with the choices I make. I totally wish there were more/better ways to spend in-game res (especially “dead ones”) but since this convo has totally derailed the OP of (positive) PvP feedback I’ll end with one (kinda):

New PvP is “meh” - I wish it was better, it could’ve been worse.


@Kafka @Bramble
i started this thread for your attention. please take time to have a look through at the suggestions. all the replies have appeared to have been respectful too

All games are comparable.

It is completely legitimate to compare them in terms of things like how much fun you are having and how much that fun costs etc. Where it gets tricky, is people don’t all share the same idea of what is fun, or even the same comfort levels on cost. But we all (unless we are masochists haha or perhaps getting paid to play) play games to have fun (enjoyment.) And many of us try to, or have to, keep to an entertainment budget. And we all have only 24 hours in a day to manage responsibilities, sleep and fun.

Games are like any other hobby. We have to decide if we have the time and/or money and whether we find it fun. A live service game costs money to run. It is in the best interest of those of us who enjoy GoW to advocate for changes that make it / keep it enjoyable, affordable and manageable (in terms of time) for the largest amount of people, possible.


Your statements are cogent. GoW ain’t Elden Ring or CS2.

add some gold marks rewards through season pass, free and premium one

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i did pvp each day. finished everything daily/weekly + far above and have about 260k VP. i hope the devs know how unrealstic they are with ranks reuqirements…also a pvp season pass that just stops at a certain lvl stupid


I’d like to see improved matching. I’ve stopped playing PvP (which I actually enjoyed) recently because ever since I turned level 1000, every opponent I’ve been offered has had at least 10000 more item level than me. Only very rarely do I find one that I can actually compete with, and I’m through wasting gems finding them. That’s what stopped me playing PvP and, unless matching is improved, I won’t be playing it again.