PVP Changes

ahaha it’s that time of day :joy:


just to catch you while you are on, as with any update you are going to catch heat for it, not from me this time. I personally think people being butt hurt by the fixes are funny as they are the same people that complain when the game is broken.

I like the changes/fixes :slight_smile:


I don’t think recent pvp change is the problem.
The problem was there long time back.
Elementalist spam was already the norm before the new PvP system.
It’s just your bug gave people a brief moment of enjoyable play and then the fix dragged them back to the ugly reality.

If you ask me, just delete Elementalist.
I have said this a few years ago when you introduced this thing, and back then (and even now) many people don’t agree.
They don’t want any nerf.
But since then pvp has never been a good experience.

But the true cause of all the problems isn’t even that, it’s even deeper and dated back ealier.
It’s the fact that your devs have no idea how high level players play this game, or even how a normal player play this game.

This was evident from your long time back twitch streams when you can’t put together a not even decent but just functional team.

You introduced GaP without knowing how much a normal player can get from it, and then acted unusually fast to nerf it.
This means your devs don’t know how a fast a basic Rowanne team can do GaP, and that’s like GoW 101.

And this has never been changed. Your devs still have no idea how this game works.
Also because of this, we can never expect any meaningful changes from you, because you don’t have the basic ability to judge what suggestions are good and what are bad even from this kind of surveys.


I’ve got Stella and I’m f2p.


The issue is really not Stella. Those who do not have Stella might think it is - but do you know how many battles those WITH Stella still lose? To other teams with Ctharasque, or Tashaka or even just Queen Beatrix or Goblins etc…the thing is the AI sometimes manages to really loop teams, just like it used to with the overempowered Journey troops. As far as I can see this will always be a problem - and continually nerfing troops will not solve it.


Yeah, I remember seeing a lot Bee teams before in pvp, if they nerf it it will be some other troop the problem.


Enemy teams are generally more manageable in the Outer Ring, regions with Kingdom or Troop type restrictions – but still sometimes a bit annoying, now.

Colour restriction regions (Inner Ring) could definitely benefit from a return to random defences.

  • Perhaps e.g. in a Purple restriction, Hero classes could be restricted to those that gain +5 magic when using purple weapons, or that have added Purple mana mastery.

There’s definitely something in needing to play a certain way to beat a player-made team vs a randomly generated one, that doesn’t result in as much variety. You start needing to use Elementalist to disable enemy troops, needing to use troops that don’t drop the turn so you can survive, needing at least one Empowered troop or similar, to get ahead of your opponent that also has one.


It’s now even more boring than before. Original mode yes you did see similar teams bug there was variety and you could always take an easier fight if you wanted.
Update came which had no hero in the rings and pure RnG team but there was variety.
Now it’s basically the same team in a region every battle as it’s based on attack teams.
I thought one of the reasons fur nerfing journey was so they weren’t in PvP but if anything this new update has made it 10 times worse.

Also, it’s about time pet gnomes were set loose. There rare enough in PvP as it is but having to do the awful slog just isn’t worth it anymore.

Difficulty is fine if it’s fun but this isn’t fun, in the same way as Journey isn’t fun.


I’m sure elementalist would be helpful in journey.

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If people just want to play to get gold, class xp and maybe some pets, bring back the casual pvp so they can grind for it without interruptions, make it so they can get their pvp goals there too, like being able to get a max vp just to get the goals then stop getting vp for the week. And make it so Stella, Wand of Stars and elementalist will be replaced by a random troop or just make enemy teams random, I feel people would find only those there if you don’t.


Incoming stellarix/wand/takshaka/elementalist nerfs etc. etc.

The funny thing is that some people asked for these areas to be fixed to have attack teams. Most people could have seen that was a bad idea from a mile away.

So now, the pitchforks are pointed at some troops used being unfun to play against and the reality is…

Fighting attack teams is just going to lead to repetition, even if these troops get nerfed. The next best thing is just going to be used and the saga will continue.

Don’t ruin troops for everyone else that play explore/events/delves/other modes; the problem is that hyper repetition of any kind is terrible, aka fighting Attack teams in PvP.

Life & Death died for nothing.


Just take heros out agin leave em in central and call it a day make the game fun to plzy instead of a it being so frustrating with the same teams iver and over . I just dont understand why so many wanted heros in all fights does this mean central gets blood frenzy now to since its nondiffernt than rest of areas?


Journey (in its current form) shouldn’t exist.
No point to use something broken to fix something broken.

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I’m sure you could apply that logic in the whole game.

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It’s always the same pattern!

Something is fun and/or working well, then it gets changed so often, until it isn’t anymore. Or taken out completely. Happened with Challenges, happened with Journey and happened with PvP, even happened with Guild Wars, just to name a few.

But if it’s already broken or no fun at all in the first place, it gets copied to every other game mode/troop/whatever around.

A while ago I came back from a hard day at work and logged into Gems of War to cool down. With the current state of the game it’s the other way round. After having to go through all these chores on GoW I’m off to work, so my day gets a little easier then.

It’s only a matter of days, maybe weeks until I’m not logging in anymore just like so many friends or guild mates before. And probably even more after …


You DO know game can afford balancing troops for gamemods individually, like how they did right now with Boss/Journey/etc troops?

  1. Implement bans to PVP zones. Ban all the things which made pvp irrelevant back then. Troop/weapon gets picked 99.9999% of all battles? BAN. Harsh yet can lead to actually worthy changes to make pvp more pvp rather than Players vs Looping.
  2. Simply ban all the boss troops and Stellarix from appearing which will resolve quite some problems. But since you’ve made that 2-headed bitch within 50% bonus region, the banlist will evolve to the one mentioned above.
  3. Rework elementalist finally after what, 4 years?
  4. Rework wand.
  5. Rework any ultra-meta thing to make it less reliable (NOT unreliable BUT LESS)

We can spare more ideas anytime of the day, if needed. None of balance changes are expected because as stated before, devs have no idea how to play this game.

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So… nerf everything to extinction, so that nobody even wants to play any element of the game any more?


as of right now outside of small issues, like treasure maps or deed ratio. The only major issue is journey scoring. This PvP change is welcomed. This is coming form a cynic who usually doesn’t think changes in game are good.

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There seem to be two sides - those who are fine with the changes and want a challenge and slower PVP, and those who want “relaxed” PVP and to be able to grind for Class XP and gold. So just make it like it used to be - Ranked PVP and Casual PVP. Keep the Ranked PVP and change one of the regions into a permanent Casual PVP area - use the generated teams with no hero in that area, reduce difficulty and VP earnings there.

People should understand that you cannot please everyone all the time, and this would really be trying your best to please most.


yeah, noone would ever play PVP if there are no wand, elementalist, stellarix and bee. Those are cornerstone of the mode, right?

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