PVP Change Notes July 24th 2024

Buff everything for faster battles :wink:

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To emphasize. This is one of the most frustrating situations in the game. Ive got basically a coin flip to get an extra turn. If i dont land it i lose. Because no matter how many times kafka tells us that the rng is the same for player and Ai its a lie.

I dont even use stellarix in pvp because you usually need 3 casts to kill the ai stellarix and if your stellarix gets frozen its over. And the chances of you getting 3 casts in a row without your chain being broken are low.

In short. The problem isnt wand and stellarix. Its that they have intentionally better rng than us to make up for the devs bad ai


Btw im currently 81-9 with all matches in blood frenzy. Its really not that hard. I also have stellarix and dont use him. The only people it is hard for are 1) those that dont like the occasional loss 2) those that dont have zuul, takshaka, wand, leprechaun, and gray king. Those troops are all you need to dominate stellarix teams on all color days. And im sorry if you dont have those troops you arent ready for blood frenzy. Its end game content

Its not “punishing.” If you lose its quick with no penalty. Whats punishing is changing things because people complain about pvp. You utterly ruined journey because you listened to the pvp complainers.


tldr = Please consider keeping the swapped troops as a permanent solution. The majority of players would rather lose a little of their (cough) agency than have the entire rest of the game be thrown into the dumpster fire with Journey events.

If agency mattered, we would be allowed to set defense teams independent of attack teams. Pretty much zero people want our attack teams as defenders, so therefore we already have had all of our agency removed.

Mmmmm I’d say if you are far enough in the game to be facing these enemies then you are more than far enough to have all the counters. You likely just don’t want to bother using them. The fact that every defender is a a stella/wand team is evidence that the vast majority of people are using those to try to beat other stella/wand teams. Stella/wand is not a good strategy against itself. When it does work, it’s likely blazing fast. Faster than having to use things like web and silence. People want the fast things to work all of the time.

It’s good that you are looking at the player experience. Now please, for the love of DOG, look farther ahead at the big picture of the ENTIRE game. Think about how changing these things would sour players experience of the rest of the game. LEARN from a mistake (journey) just one time.

PvP is not inaccessible to anyone. At lower levels you don’t face these enemies (I know, I tested the lower level experience). At high levels its accessible, it’s just arguably boring and unlike “old pvp” you can actually lose a battle here and there. The horror. No one loves losing. But is a game you cannot lose even a game, anymore?

Also… as always, my comments are directed at whomever has the decision making power, not at you. :slight_smile:


I agree. If blood frenzy is not supposed to be hard… why even have it exist?


And i agrue that blood frenzy is end game content and shouldnt be “accessible” to you if you cant make the counters.

Im sorry. Ive put years into this game to get where i am. I rarely rarely spend on it. I really wouldnt appreciate it if i was forced to do more work to win my bracke because pvp was artificially lowered. Its like lowering the hoop so michael scott can dunk.

I say leave it as is and focus on other game modes. The claim that the majority dont have zuul, takshaka, leprechaun, gray king, and wand is absolute hogwash and gaslighting. Kafka acts like the counters to stellarix are a secret. Seriously ALL you need is those five things for all color days. I for one appreciate the lazy people that think stellarix is the counter for stellarix! Makes it easy for me.

If they dont have those tough. Blood frenzy isnt accesible to you yet nor should it be.

PS: i dont think the complainers use spell shield monolith. Its a big deal in nerfing the ai

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Fyi this is how most matches against the knuckle dragging wand stellarix 2 takshaka teams go. Pop the wand. You win. Stellarix id priority #2. Hes a big fat freeze target

If they get a turn. Retreat. Took you 10 seconds and no penalty.

I dont see the difficulty. I think the people that complain the most about pvp have stellarix (again i have him and dont use him in pvp) and don’t like that its losing matches against ai stellarix. They want to just be able to take their stellarix in and nuke everything


I don’t know how about you, but I play games, any game, including GoW, to actually win. Not to play the retreat game. Maybe you like retreating. I don’t, especially if I have to do it every other battle.
So excuse me for being angry at facing flip-of-a-coin battles, stretches of 10 losses in a row, seeing AI getting chains of matches & wins that I never ever do. What you’re describing is something that’s makes me want to give up the game altogether, not something I’d call “easy”. Annoying - yes. Frustrating - yes. But far from easy. I don’t like losing against AI stellarix, but I also don’t like losing to AI 3xTakshakas and all the other annoying meta teams out there if it happens over, and over, and over, and over again.


I have all troops in the game (except 2 underspire sentinels). At level 1758 and 4.5 years with the game I know how to use counters and I do use them. But even with counters, it all comes down to the race of “who is able to trigger the counter first”. And I still lose 99% of the time to “flip of a coin skull cascade / AI loop / who can cleanse the freeze first”, not to lack of skill.

Elementalist + Wand + Stella/ Takshaka is just a symptom of a deeper problem: PvP turns into horrible slog/grind, if you want to use anything outside the few counters to the current meta teams. All the while we have 2k troops and weapons in total in the game. I get angry just as much when I keep losing to King of Ravens, or Queen Beetrix, or Wyrms, or whatever is the meta flavour in the given restriction - if it happens over, and over, and over, whatever I do and whatever counter I try. I don’t want to be using “those five things for all color days”, I want to be able to use my collection.


So. If stellarix wand is so hard…why is my record like that.

95 of those were on blue blood frenzy targeting 90 vp teams. I had 6 losses going in today. So thats 95-7. I think a near 90% win rate vs stellarix says you’re wrong

Oh. Missed the point. Yeah i can get how it would be boring to not be able to use anything else. Boring yes. Hard? No

Btw if you are using the team i posted on blue and losing 10 matches in a row then thats absolutely a skill issue. Pop wand first. You win. Ive never lost 10 in a row in this game at any point. Ever. So either you are exaggerating or you are doing it wrong. Your two posts tell me that you never want to lose at all and that a single loss gets you angry.

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Sounds like when gold marks were not turned on at the start of the Alliance patch…still waiting for compensation or, at least, the consideration of a response. Either post that it’s in the works or that you’re not going to compensate. STOP ignoring the issue.


Here ill help. If you are losing 10 matches in a row with these teams this game might not be for you.

Green. Leprechaun cast. Wand cast. Ctharr pop their wand. You win. more rng dependent than other days because they often use beetrix which will cleanse their stellarix of freexe.

Cast leprechaun, cast wand if gray king isnt full. Silence and drain their whole team. Purple day is beyond easy. Gray king locks them down hard.

Blue. Takshakas get your wand a first cast. Unless your wand screws you zuul will fill. Kill their wand. You win. Easy.

Red days is the same team. Yellow days is the same team but swap zuul for new zuul

There. All you need to dominate stellarix on any given day. Will you lose 10-30 matches to bad rng? Sure. But you will win 200+. If you are wanting no losses then tough luck. It aint happening

In terms of “what’s happening with the game” would you rather be
  • Uninformed
  • Misinformed
  • Both somehow?
0 voters

So what is the solution? Nerf every troop? Because, unfortunately there is always going to be a meta for each area. The only way to avoid that is to go back to the random enemy teams. That would bother a ton of people. No matter what they do to pvp, someone is going to be ticked off.

That is why I don’t want the pvp solution to affect the rest of the game. It won’t stop the pvp complaints it will just make all new complaints, everywhere else.


I didn’t say a word about nerfing anything. What about such an outrageous idea that players should be encouraged to use different troops, not just the meta? What about not punishing players actively for using non-meta teams? What about (gasp) making AI actually fair, so that it’s not “who gets to cast X weapon/troop first nearly automatically wins”? What about giving us back casual PvP in some shape or form? People who are ambitious and don’t mind losing will have a place to go to feed their hunger of difficult battles. And players who don’t want every battle to feel like a guild wars battle or RNG fest - won’t get frustrated and will still be able to hunt for pet gnomes without wanting to pull their hair out.

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to someone who mentioned strategy: gem converting is strong and hard to nerf, so devs add so many gems to mess the board for converters. strategy isn’t the priority.

Well there are lots of other places in the game to play with all the troops in your collection. PVP has always had meta teams. Goblins. Mother of Darkness and the spider that got nerfed. Anyone can still lose to the AI playing a goblin team, no matter how high their stats. I worked super hard to get Mother of Darkness so I could play that team. And by the time I got it, the meta had moved on - and that was well before you guys finally nerfed the spider. It is the nature of this game that you will always be chasing the meta in PVP.

@kafka If you guys nerf Stella after all the time and effort it took to acquire it, I will be angry. It’s one thing to nerf troops that you get from random chest pulls. But really not OK to nerf a troop that is sooooooooooooo expensive and difficult to obtain.

Elementalist and Wand of Stars - fair enough. Changing those will change the game.

But no matter what you do, another meta team will take its place.


All due respect, this is what I’m asking. How do we go about encouraging people to not use what works best? That is what meta is. What works best. So I’m asking YOU how we incentivize using something else without nerfing the meta?

The great irony is that stella/wand doesn’t even work best against stella wand. But people are gonna people.

It is the meta that is punishing players, so again, we are back to how do we get people to want to not play the thing that works best without making it not work best (nerf)?

We have been asking for this for a looooooooong time. I believe the official answer is the AI is fair. :roll_eyes:

I would looooooooooooooooooooooooooooove to see this. I honestly never did much casual pvp. Did not see the point. But apparently people loved it, so it makes zero sense that it was removed. They could set aside a zone on the map for it (like central).


I like PVP (even in this form). I play with monoliths - still 2 XP per battle. Why do you punish PVP fans?


I dont think the game in its current state is so bad either. Losing 1 every 20 battles aint that bad and thats in blood frenzy region and im dumb so for me nothing needs to be nerfed.

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