PVP Change Notes July 24th 2024

yeah, its very hard to play around a bug that you weren’t expecting to happen.

Its also very hard to play Tesla when the restriction is Silverglade.

Very likely it was just this bug I ran into:


No. lol I literally said the opposite. And HAVE been saying the opposite, pretty much non stop. In fact the original comment this is all chaining off of is…

You even put a like on it. :rofl: :woman_facepalming:


Sure, thanks for at least pointing to a source that other people can check for themselves, which was kind of what I really wanted to know.

Now I am on Switch, but a random check on our leaderboards at this time shows the top 100 having earned at least 1770 VP (across at least 15 battles), with the top 10 having at least 16.4k across 90 or more battles, with a 5:1 ~ 10:1 ratio of their attack teams being faced (win or loss) on defense.

Though, this does not speak for which regions they were battling, which teams they were picking from the PVP pool to challenge, nor what attack team they used to gain their wins. Therefore, we can infer no obvious correlation between the global leaderboard and Wand of Stellarix Prismatic Diamantina teams. The top player has currently clocked over 500 battles in the 13 hours since reset, while the lowest number of battles (among the top 10) is currently just 90.

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I think the switch playerbase is tiny tho

So I did a little work myself and pulled data from Tarans for week of 6/10 for PC/mobile (just way before the wand change) and the win rate for top 100 is 89.6%. 75 percentile is 92.3%. if 90% win rate is still considered bad for some people then I am speechless. You see the issue here? Those are the ones that either are too new or they don’t have Stella or they just don’t know how to play properly. Like someone mentioned (and by the way is a great point), this game is a progression game. Not everyone can do the hardest contents by nature and design. If everyone can earn the hardest rewards equally easily then there is something wrong with the design. We are living in the world where people feel they are entitled to everything (everyone is a winner yay sound familiar?). It would be humiliating to people who have either spent lots of time or lots of money advancing their account to have the same results as someone who just started say a week ago?


The squeaky wheel gets the grease. The silent majority gets bupkus.

The developers might have made the change just to try and shut up the naysayers, even though history tells us that the naysayers are seldom satisfied by anything for a long enough period of time to matter. They’re much more likely to pocket what their outrage has gotten them and then to move the goalposts to the next thing that offends them to try and get that changed, too.

yeah… normally this bug isn’t a problem, but the troops in Silverglade are bad overall. mana generation, scaling damage, etc.

I’m not entirely sure I can call myself an end gamer (L-1572, KLs around 15, KPs all over but strong collection, so maybe I am?) definitely not a whale. I have no issue with Stella/Wand other than the boringness. That is really a thing for me. But it will be boring no matter what the meta team ends up being.

I only do blood frenzy and/or citadel battles. Solid 87% win rate during stella/wand times. Because I didn’t want to be bothered doing the buffs. While you can’t know what other people on the leader boards and ladders are fighting, you can sort of tell by their vp to battles ratio. That crazy naga is scarier than Stella.

Whelp this is what i was afraid of. Did 200 battles today…and i have someone that will do more than me. Never had this problem with the stellarix difficulty gate. Looks like im not getting first this week.

Pvp is back to “who has more time?”

Isn’t that the point of the game? If you invest more time and play more, you get more prizes and rewards, right?

I believe that if you are looking for a sophisticated strategy game where you can be successful with little effort but brilliant strategy, then you should look for a sophisticated strategy game and not a match 3 game.


As long as lower level players get 2x the VP as me, it doesn’t work that way. I rarely see battles over 50 VP.

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Wasn’t it always that way to begin with?

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It was… for global LB. Except this rather short period where you could be on top of your 30-people bubble without gemming your brains out for 1000 or more battles per week :rofl:

1000/week? thats rookie numbers

Well, for me more than 400-500 PvP battles / week is the level where gemming begins to interfere with real life, and on some weeks I can’t do even that many, and I stop much lower than that. So, to me, these are not rookie numbers - these are the numbers that would require resigning from real life to play GoW, and I refuse to do that.


Nope. Stellarix was a difficulty gate in blood frenzy

I guess im in a lower bracket or something because i used to be able to win with 200-250 battles. This week im at 415. Not happy

A few examples from my guild, from before Stellarix & Wand getting removed from PvP.


I’m over 500 and struggling to stay in 3rd. The whole 30 people bracket system is severely flawed. Why can someone come in 1st in their bracket with 10k VP, while other brackets have people going nuts??? They should just have VP tiers to get the GMs. Screw them in their “break the economy” argument. Better yet, give us a better way to get books and you can keep your GMs.


Yeah id agree. I dont know what determines what bracket people have. I dont think its fair i can win with 200 battles while others need over a thousand