PVP Change Notes July 24th 2024

Makes it less annoying. Also need those vp talismans

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Thanks, I think I was confusing them with Giant Gems (which … ugh, can).

The obvious answer would be that if that were the case, the remaining explanations are (by definition) player skill and/or RNG luck – at least one of which isn’t exactly/easily quantifiable. Additionally, most game modes with associated leaderboard prizes require Sigils for participation, creating entanglements between a player’s level of “progression” and “paying actual money”.

In short … “it’s complicated.”

I’m starting to wonder if we are just not talking about the same things here? Or perhaps we are not agreeing on the basic premise that GoW is a progressive game. I believe it is, because if you strip away all of the progression elements, there is arguably no point to most of the game. This is due to it being largely a solo pve experience.

If we strip away the progression elements just for pvp and gw, that would not necessarily make those modes pointless. Because they are competitive. Victory is it’s own reward? :woman_shrugging: The simplest way to do that would be to (inside the pvp mode) give us access to the same troops, weapons, classes/talents and give us all of the same stats. So… inside pvp we all have effectively the same level, class levels, kingdom levels/power levels and collections etc. This would make the only differentiators rng and skill, in team building and play.

Although… stripping the competitive modes of progression elements would devalue participation in all of the progressive modes. By this I mean it would be hard to get players that only like the competitive modes, to do anything with the pve content, if they didn’t need it for pvp. Maybe that’s ok? Maybe it fractures some guilds. Hard to say.

Anyway, it can be done. Should it be done? :woman_shrugging: What I have been getting at is that if the game lets us be different levels with different collections and different stats, it has to let us have different experiences and different results.



cough such a mode already exists - and it is called Arena cough
There’s a reason why it is universally disliked, though :rofl:

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cough I’m not sure which arena you play where we get to use any troops, of any rarity, we choose, that fit the restrictions. My arena requires me to to draft from a randomized handful of junk cards. I’m not sure which arena you play where we get to use hero classes. My arena has no access to hero classes and traits. I’m not sure which arena you play where we use weapons. My arena hasn’t allowed weapons for years. cough

Also, this was a quote taken totally out of context. It was in reply to the idea we could balance pvp down to just skill and rng luck, and just an example of what that might look like. Followed by:


Well, after reading your post, I assumed you want a “level playing field for everyone, whatever their account progression”.

Arena evens out the playing field - everyone gets the same un-levelled un-traited troops to play. No advantage of class - regardless of level, and no access to weapons - so that someone waiting a year for Rope Dart or gathering souls for Dawnbringer can still participate. The troops you can pick - can be also those you, as a player, don’t own - if they are the correct rarity. As a result - we get as level playing conditions as you can get in this game. And yet… nearly nobody wants to play it…

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wanna trade losses?

I just had a slow painful loss from the enemy resummon glitch where an enemy summons a troop and for whatever reason the summoned stats added on top of the first slot troop.

As if I had an answer to 230+ attack damage in a blood frenzy zone using Silverglade troops. zzz.

The enemies hero’s class also happened to web whenever it summoned a troop, so it was webbing one of my troops on every cast of the explody weapon.

Give me a quick Stellarix/Takshaka loss over half of the other Bugs of War features I get to deal with from time to time.

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I mean. This is how easy blood frenzy is now. Those 3 losses were all skull cascades and one spirit gem shenanigans.

I should be thanking you devs because i can win blood frenzy with barely looking at the screen now

And look at the leaderboard.

Wow whats that? Playing with Wand/Stella against non-wand non-stella grants you such a tremendous advantage you’re going 99% WR? Who would have thought! What can we do about it?
Maybe… Just maybe… Remove both of those from here or nerf them to the ground?

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As compared to a 90% win rate against wand and stellarix which is what i had before the change? Oh yeah so different!!!

Look. The people that want stellarix nerfed are a very small, very loud minority. Devs, you would do well to not listen to people that want any major nerfs to a troop thats so hard to get

How about stop focusing on pvp. Fix journey or remove it. Its not fun. Make some new game modes. Update old classes.

Nerfs to hard to get troops because a few people whined on the forums is never the right choice

I see you typing. You can go ahead and get your whiny reply in. I wont be responding


Have you tried the devouring Goblin? It can miss ‘devour’ multiple times having 90 attack. Just 9% is a quite big difference in that case.
Same here. Stella and wand killed this game from CCG to 2CG. Whoever came up with that should be rised so they could ruin another title instead and leave gow alone.

Keep living in your illusions. You are the minority here. Most end gamers have no issues with Stella wand

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Keep living your illusions. Devs told you they will take care of those, and for now they’re replaced instead. Whos talking?

Maybe the devs do listen to the minority over the majority. We will know if they capitulate to the whiners and nerf stellarix.

Im convinced people just dont want to put in the work. Counters have been shared. A 90% win rate should be acceptble for anyone. I think people just want a 100% win rate. Its incredible to me that there’s still people crying for a nerf of stellarix when it doesnt even affect them anymore! Its not even in pvp! So why are some of you so intent on ruining a troop that is already extremely hard to get? Say they do nerf it, can you imagine the firestorm its going to create for those that went through all those dupes to get stellarix?


Is this an actual bug?
Asking seriously.
We already know that summon spells use the caster’s Magic stat while summon traits use max level, which is nice for “summon upon death” troops like Drake Rider and Ogress but can occasionally get very frustrating on certain others (looking at you Stonesong Eyrie faction with bonus Tidal Affix)

Unfortunate that you couldn’t necessarily build a team immune to Web then (like putting Tesla on the team) …

Okay, prove it. Give us confirmed raw numbers oh wait you don’t actually have them to support the claim by, especially as “endgamers” (whales and otherwise) trend in the minority to begin with.

Without going specifically political (because we don’t need yet another controversy in the discussions)…
1 - IRL that’s kind of how court cases end up working, because the parties choosing to involve the courts are (almost necessarily) some minority compared to everyone else who could potentially benefit / be otherwise impacted by the decision flipping one way or another.
2 - One word: “whistleblower”.

… I can’t even disagree with that. It’s absolutely part of why people don’t like Journey, because longer battles mean less score means more work means more Sigils means (potentially) more “buy-in” to get a specific reward tier (ladder or leaderboard alike). Heck, Just last night with the weekend Faction Assault I suffered multiple Delve runs ending prematurely due to super bad RNG rolls (like a double Devour from Gluttony, ~4%) and ended up needing an extra 90 Gems for enough sigils to reach the tier 11 reward (one more Vault Key).

It’s probably also why my go-to boss dungeon team shifted from Paladin DPS to Rowanne DPS, because Rowanne does more (cumulative) damage and not needing to specifically select a target during cast makes it just that much easier to use.

Because if it returns to PVP in the same condition it left, so too will the same complaints likely return and quite possibly in more force, because players will have acclimated to not having Stella/Wand in PVP as the new normal. Of course, Stella/Wand predate the whole PVP rework but that required players intentionally setting them as a Defense team to appear in the PVP pool. Again, “snaking” – not so much because it didn’t exist before, but because nobody can try to hide it now.

Yes, I’m even bringing s’mores. :slight_smile:

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Just look at global leaderboard for God’s sake. What else do you need?

Blood frenzy is way too easy now and it makes it boring. People should have just went and played ANY other battles besides blood frenzy if their ego couldn’t handle an occasional loss instead of this garbage

Boring isnt even the problem. Its the people that didnt find blood frenzy accessible and now suddenly do, increasing competition

Nerfs arent the answer. Espeically to a troop as gated as stellarix.

Yes of course, the entire point of blood frenzy was so higher level accounts could make up for getting less VP. I don’t understand why the devs give so much power to a small group of fragile players that already had OPTIONS to play easier battles if they couldn’t handle the hard ones.

I don’t think there will ever be an option that gives players with more complete accounts a true advantage over the small but loud “nerf stellarix” crowd. Its abundantly clear they want the best rewards too. So anything the devs do to give older accounts a leg up is going to tilt the people that want the juicer vp battles.