[Investigating] Summoning troops in pvp reapplies pet bonuses?


What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Playing in pvp, specifically Bay of Stars blood frenzy. Whenever a troop is summoned (in this case primarily from King Avelorn), teams are getting multiplicative armor/attack/life bonuses every time a troop is summoned. It can be small increments, but I’ve also seen buffing of 50 skill points or higher per summon.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening??
Happens every time a troop is successfully summoned on my or enemy’s team.

Steps to make it happen again
Summon a troop in pvp.


I think it is actually reapplying the blood frenzy bonus!

It is also happening on baby dragon transformations.

Why aren’t more people complaining about this?

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It is something similar to the called ‘exploit’ in 7.0 when a troop was summoned you got magic again.

But now on the enemy side.

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