PVP Change Notes July 24th 2024

Just confirming this. PVP is the current focus, after PVP is Guild Wars, after that, I don’t know yet, but we’re not going to be all PVPPVPPVPPVPVPVPVPVPVP forever, just for now as it has been such a huge rework we needed to break it up into several updates, and it’s better to get them all done and out the gate while we’re all in PVP mode than to try to switch from area to area and having to remember where we left off in the code and things. Makes it easier to get more done if we don’t have to change direction and bounce around between things.

We have other content for endgamers, PVP is for everyone, always has been.
Obviously though, it’s endgamers who top the leaderboards every week. So you can still perform at an endgame level in PVP, but we don’t block out early to midgame players either.

This is an interesting idea. I will actually put this forward because it is a potential solution to something a lot of people in the Diamond League have been saying.

But the Players at the top of the Global Leaderboard can still have their own league boards so they can still earn League Board rewards, just remove them from other player’s league boards under specific circumstances maybe.

I’ll suggest it and we’ll see - I can’t promise anything I just personally think it sounds like a good idea :slight_smile:

This is also a good point and I’ll be sure to discuss this with the team.

Other points I’ve raised with the team: Casual PvP plz, opponents based on teamscore, not hero level.

I didn’t say this? I’ve been consistently saying everyone plays PVP :sweat_smile:

I think maybe all our definitions of new players aren’t lining up which is some of the cause for disagreements in this thread on some small points. For example, you can be level 1,000 as a new player in my books. You only need to play for 6-8 weeks to reach level 1,000 even without a Guild. But you’re only going to have a small number of Mythic Troops and unlevelled Classes so you’d have to have lucky Mythic pulls that happen to be the most popular PVP counters in order to have a chance in PVP. But at this point you will definitely be seeing all Stellarix and co. Teams offered as all 3 PVP opponents. Being level 1,000 helps, but you need time to build and improve your collection, and while joining an active Guild goes a LONG way in helping with that process, you can’t really speed run real time. Basically, Hero level is not the only indicator of newness - time since account creation is too.

Obviously we’ve received a lot of PVP feedback, for example about difficulty, the meta teams, the point scoring at different levels, Alliance balancing etc.

But why specifically does PVP feel like a chore for you? Is it the above or something else entirely?
It would also be interesting to know which is your favourite game mode and why you have fun in that game mode?

If this is the Shell I know, they’re highly active and know how to play afaik, it’s not a surprise to see them being competitive with or without the change. But I understand the general concerns about the points, Shell was probably just not a good example but it’s fine, didn’t need the screenshot to be an accurate representation in this case.

As an ex-New World player this cuts deep :flushed:

:raised_hands: you get it Tresk!

Ultimately, everyone here all wants what’s best for the game. Even if we all have differing opinions on what that is, every single one of us in this thread and at the studio want this <3

Thanks all for taking the time to continue discussing this and for keeping it civil despite it being a topic with a lot of passion behind it. I’ve pulled some real useful gems of feedback and it’s been great reading the discussion.