A note to the devs

Not going to allege that you didn’t need to echo this feedback, but it was already previously stated that:

With this being (probably) the conclusion to the PVP rework, we can safely expect GW to be next on their radar (however long that timetable ultimately requires); implying that NOW is the opportune time for ideas with other modes, assuming that at least some of the decisions about future game content haven’t actually been made yet.

The dark side of production is that design decisions are quick and easy to make, compared to the time/work spent actually implementing/producing them. And as a matter of principle, once a design spec goes “into production” that spec is to be followed to the letter with zero deviations whatsoever (sometimes called a “feature freeze”), because unless some truly extraordinary circumstance happens, bouncing it back to the design/planning team for any reason is potentially a waste of whatever production time was already spent.