PSA: Maybe make a defense team that isn't horrid

Me too, what would be awesome is a refund all button - where everything gets sets to 1 and all gems refunded… that way i could redo my stuff.

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Holy hell, that would be the worst button me me…releveling all those troops would take forever and probably wind up messing with the stars on my kingdoms

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exactly - first i would trait the 12 troops or so i use, then restar the kingdoms i want, then work on the others.

You could use that Kingdom Planner spreadsheet that someone made to be efficient about it? :stuck_out_tongue:

i made my own excel sheet with LOTS of other info too :slight_smile:

I think I just had a hot flash … and I’m a guy …

Oh man, I would do it in a skinny minute.

I traited a lot of stuff to experiment with during my “wine cooldown” of the evening. Maybe I would have made better choices had I had more cooldown and less wine…


Out of curiosity would a “Reset button” like that be something people would be interested in having as a microtransaction? It seems like the kind of thing that might become one if there is a demand for it…


I don’t oppose such a button. I just cower in fear at the Armageddon


probably spend between 1 and 5 bucks for that…

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Where do I mail the check? :dollar:

To be honest, I feel like it wouldn’t be that cheap. They wouldn’t want people doing it every time there was a tiny shift in the meta. But I’d be curious as to @Sirrian’s or @Nimhain’s thoughts on the matter (once they are less flat out from the patch :stuck_out_tongue: )


considering i havent spent any yet… and the dragon armor is out of my pricing. I dont mind spending 5 here and 5 there, just havent had the funds - but for that — i might stand on the corner with a sign saying “addicted - anything helps”


So people can’t do that anymore?

I’m trying to track down where it was mentioned, but I’m pretty sure that it’s been said that it will no longer be possible. Please hold while I find the post though :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha, alrighty :stuck_out_tongue:

Found it:

If you quit out of a match (or legitimately get disconnected even), you lose PVP points but you don’t lose a trophy. Andrew (a dev) confirmed that earlier today.

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As @Ashasekayi said:

Though I believe that means you don’t lost trophies at all in PVP even on a normal loss?

Welp, RIP perfect pvp record xD I don’t mind though, haha. Not like it matters much :skull:

That’s how I understood it. You wouldn’t lose trophies for the guild either way now.

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